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Pass variable by reference with func_get_args() in PHP5?



I currently have a class method/function in this form:

function set_option(&$content,$opt ,$key, $val){

   //...Some checking to ensure the necessary keys exist before the assignment goes here.

   $content['options'][$key][$opt] = $val;


Now, I am looking into modification the function a bit to make the first argument optional, allowing me to pass just 3 parameters. In which case, a class property content is used in place of the one I omit.

The first thing that comes to mind is using func_num_args() & func_get_args() in conjunction with this, something like:

function set_option(){

    $args = func_get_args();

    if(func_num_args() == 3){



       //...Some checking to ensure the necessary keys exist before the assignment goes here.

       $args[0]['options'][$args[1]][$args[2]] = $args[3];



How can I specify that I am passing the first argument for this as a reference? (I am using PHP5 so specifying that the variable is passed by reference on function call isn't really one of my better options.)

(I know I can just modify the parameter list so that the last parameter would be optional, doing it like function set_option($opt,$key,$val,&$cont = false), but I'm curious if passing by reference is possible in conjunction with function definitions like above. If it is I'd rather use it.)

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Bez Hermoso Avatar asked Sep 07 '11 16:09

Bez Hermoso

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1 Answers

Without a parameter list in the function declaration, there's no way to have an argument used as a reference. What you'd need to do is something like

function set_option(&$p1, $p2, $p3, $p4=null){

    if(func_num_args() == 3){
        $this->set_option($this->content,$p1, $p2, $p3);
        $p1['options'][$p2][$p3] = $p4;

So, depending on the result of func_num_args(), interpret what each parameter really is.

Pretty ugly, and makes for code you wouldn't want to maintain later :)

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Paul Dixon Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 14:10

Paul Dixon