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pass unlimited number of parameters to procedure


in Delphi the procedure write can handle:




I want to declare a procedure that can also do that, what is the syntax?

and the option of:


is less desirable, though I know how to do that.

the main purpose was to pass ShortStrings into function, that would make a read call from file, and would read at the length of the shortString as defined. however after passing it as variant or in open array the shortString loses its "size" and become 255, which making this pass unusable, for me. but the answer is still got if you want to pass open array.

like image 965
none Avatar asked Jul 24 '11 13:07


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1 Answers

Just to complement Cosmin's answer: if the list of parameters are of different types, you could use an variant open array parameter (also know as "array of const"). More on Delphi documentation.

Example (from documentation):

function MakeStr(const Args: array of const): string;
  I: Integer;
  Result := '';
  for I := 0 to High(Args) do
     with Args[I] do
        case VType of
            vtInteger:  Result := Result + IntToStr(VInteger);
            vtBoolean:  Result := Result + BoolToStr(VBoolean);
            vtChar:     Result := Result + VChar;
            vtExtended: Result := Result + FloatToStr(VExtended^);
            vtString:   Result := Result + VString^;
            vtPChar:    Result := Result + VPChar;
            vtObject:   Result := Result + VObject.ClassName;
            vtClass:    Result := Result + VClass.ClassName;
            vtAnsiString:  Result := Result + string(VAnsiString);
            vtCurrency:    Result := Result + CurrToStr(VCurrency^);
            vtVariant:     Result := Result + string(VVariant^);
            vtInt64:       Result := Result + IntToStr(VInt64^);
like image 92
Fabricio Araujo Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 08:10

Fabricio Araujo