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Pass QStandardItemModel from C++ to QtQuick / QML TableView and display it

I'm currently trying to pass a QStandardItemModel to a QtQuick TableView and then display it. This is basically my code (just a simplified extract, so I hope I haven't added any extra mistakes here).

The C++ / Qt part:



QStandardItemModel *Foo::getModel()
    QStandardItemModel *model = new QStandardItemModel(this);
    QList<QStandardItem*> standardItemList;

    QList<QString> data;

    foreach (QString cell, comInputData->getHeadings()) {
        QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(cell);

    // we only add one row here for now; more will come later
    return model;



Foo f;
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("myModel", f.getModel());

The QtQuick / QML part:


TableView {
    id: monitorInputVectorsTable
    [... positioning and sizing ...] 
    model: myModel

I guess, I'm still missing some important parts in the QML part, am I? I found some examples with inline-model-defintions like this:

ListModel {
    id: libraryModel
    ListElement{ title: "A Masterpiece" ; author: "Gabriel" }
    ListElement{ title: "Brilliance"    ; author: "Jens" }

... displayed this way (the following added inside the TableView-item):

TableViewColumn{ role: "title"  ; title: "Title" ; width: 100 }
TableViewColumn{ role: "author" ; title: "Author" ; width: 200 }

My guess: I need to add such a line as well. However, I could not figure out where to get the role from the C++ QStandardItemModel? Is it even necessary to set a role? At least the QWidgets examples with the "classic" QTreeView just set the model and everything was fine...

like image 311
mozzbozz Avatar asked Sep 29 '22 20:09


1 Answers

You can subclass QStandardItemModel and re-implement roleNames() to define your desired role names :

#include <QStandardItemModel>

class MyModel : public QStandardItemModel


    enum Role {

    explicit MyModel(QObject * parent = 0): QStandardItemModel(parent)
    explicit MyModel( int rows, int columns, QObject * parent = 0 ): QStandardItemModel(rows, columns, parent)

    QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const
         QHash<int, QByteArray> roles;
         roles[role1] = "one";
         roles[role2] = "two";
         roles[role3] = "three";

         return roles;

After adding items you can set data to the model like :

model->setData(model->index(0,0), "Data 1", MyModel::role1);
model->setData(model->index(0,1), "Data 2", MyModel::role2);
model->setData(model->index(0,2), "Data 3", MyModel::role3);

Now in the qml you can access different columns by the role names :

TableView {

    TableViewColumn {title: "1"; role: "one"; width: 70 }
    TableViewColumn {title: "2"; role: "two"; width: 70   }
    TableViewColumn {title: "3"; role: "three"; width: 70 }

    model: myModel

like image 151
Nejat Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 02:10
