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Pass parameters with EventEmitter

I have a directive to initializes a jQueryUI sortable on a DOM element. The jQueryUI sortable also has a set of callback events that trigger on certain actions. For example, when you start or stop sorting elements.

I'd like to pass the return parameters from such an event through the emit() function, so I can actually see what happend in my callback function. I just haven't found a way to pass parameters through an EventEmiiter.

I currently have the following.

My directive:

@Directive({     selector: '[sortable]' }) export class Sortable {     @Output() stopSort = new EventEmitter();      constructor(el: ElementRef) {       console.log('directive');         var options = {           stop: (event, ui) => {             this.stopSort.emit(); // How to pass the params event and ui...?           }         };          $(el.nativeElement).sortable(options).disableSelection();     } } 

And this is my Component that uses the event emiited by the directive:

@Component({   selector: 'my-app',   directives: [Sortable],   providers: [],   template: `     <div>       <h2>Event from jQueryUI to Component demo</h2>        <ul id="sortable" sortable (stopSort)="stopSort(event, ui)">         <li class="ui-state-default"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span>Item 1</li>         <li class="ui-state-default"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span>Item 2</li>         <li class="ui-state-default"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span>Item 3</li>       </ul>     </div>   ` }) export class App {   constructor() {    }    stopSort(event, ui) { // How do I get the 'event' and 'ui' params here?     console.log('STOP SORT!', event);   } } 

How can I get the event and ui params in my stopSort() function?

Here is a demo of what I have so far: http://plnkr.co/edit/5ACcetgwWWgTsKs1kWrA?p=info

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Vivendi Avatar asked Feb 14 '16 10:02


People also ask

How do you pass parameters in event emitter?

For passing the parameters, we will wrap all the parameters inside the curly brackets (this will combine them as a single object) and pass it to the emit method. To receive the parameters in the parent component, we will make a similar type of object and update its value with that of the received object.

Can EventEmitter return value?

The problem here is that an EventEmitter function can't return a value since it's asynchronous (although from rc2 it seems that this is optional by passing true to the new EventEmitter function? Even doing so won't fix this issue however). So isValid will always be true regardless of what the function returns.

Should I use EventEmitter or subject?

Conclusion. Use Eventemitter when transferring data from child component to parent component. Use Subject to transfer data from one component to another component.

How do I use event emitter in Angular 11?

Step 1: Import output and EventEmitter from angular/core in your ts file. Step 2: Add a property with @Output decorator which has a type of EventEmitter. Step 3:Create an add method in the same component ts file So, your ts file will look like this: Child.

2 Answers

EventEmitter supports one argument, which is passed as $event to your event handler.

Wrap your parameters in an event object when you pass it to emit:

this.stopSort.emit({ event:event, ui: ui }); 

Then, when you handle the event, use $event:

stopSort($event) {    alert('event param from Component: ' +$event.event);   alert('ui param from Component: ' + $event.ui); } 

Demo Plnkr

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pixelbits Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09


pixelbits answer have changed a bit with final release. If you have multiple parameters, just pass it through as one object.

Child component:

this.stopSort.emit({event,ui});  @Output() stopSort= new EventEmitter<any>(); 

Parent Component:

hereIsHeight(value) {         console.log("Height = " + value.event);          console.log("Title = " + value.ui);      }    

HTML in parent component:

<test-child1 (stopSort)="hereIsHeight($event)"></test-child1> 

-- Also if you have values like: (with the "this" in front)


they will not work, you need to change them to something else and then pass through like:

let val1 = this.event; let val2 = this.ui; this.stopSort.emit({val1,val2}); 

*Update: Read Colin B's answer below for a way to pass values with "this."

like image 41
Alfa Bravo Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09

Alfa Bravo