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Pass array in --extra-vars - Ansible

How can I pass yaml array to --extra-vars in Ansible playbook. Ansible documentation does not declares its syntax nor I can find that on any internet resource.

I mean if I have a playbook:

---   - hosts: {{hostName}}   - remote_user: admin   ... 

Then I should call my playbook like

ansible-playbook DeployWar.yml --extra-vars="hostName=tomcat-webApp"

But I want to run this playbook on two servers say tomcat-webApp and tomcat-all, and I want to control it from out side i.e. using --extra-vars. What I have tried to do is:

ansible-playbook DeployWar.yml --extra-vars="hostName=[tomcat-webApp, tomcat-all]"  ansible-playbook DeployWar.yml --extra-vars="hostName={tomcat-webApp, tomcat-all}"  ansible-playbook DeployWar.yml --extra-vars="[{hostName: tomcat-webApp}, {hostName: tomcat-all}]" 

But in all cases playbook fails declaring a syntax error in my call. Any help appreciated.

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Tariq Avatar asked Sep 02 '14 06:09


People also ask

How do you pass a list in extra vars in Ansible?

To pass values that are not strings, we need to use JSON format. To pass extra vars in JSON format we need to enclose JSON in quotation marks: ansible-playbook extra_var_json. yml -e '{"my_float": 1.618, "my_list": ["HGTTG", 42], "my_string": "Time is an illusion."}'

How does Ansible Group_vars work?

The group_vars in Ansible are a convenient way to apply variables to multiple hosts at once. Group_vars is an Ansible-specific folder as part of the repository structure. This folder contains YAML files created to have data models, and these data models apply to all the devices listed in the hosts. ini file.

How do you pass variables in Ansible role?

The easiest way to pass Pass Variables value to Ansible Playbook in the command line is using the extra variables parameter of the “ansible-playbook” command. This is very useful to combine your Ansible Playbook with some pre-existent automation or script.

What is include VARS in Ansible?

include_vars module – Load variables from files, dynamically within a task. Note. This module is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansible installations. In most cases, you can use the short module name include_vars even without specifying the collections: keyword.

2 Answers

To answer your first question "How can I pass yaml array to --extra-vars in Ansible playbook." you can pass in a json formatted string to extra-vars.

Here is an example play:

- hosts: all   gather_facts: no   tasks:     - debug: var=test_list 

And how to pass in test_list to ansible-playbook:

ansible-playbook -c local -i localhost, test.yml --extra-vars='{"test_list": [1,2,3]}' 

Though you can use a variable for hosts I recommend checking out Ansible's mechanism for host management which is inventory in conjunction with the --limit option.

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jarv Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09


As of Ansible 1.3, extra vars can be formatted as YAML, either on the command line or in a file. See the Ansible documentation titled Defining Variables At Runtime.


--extra-vars "@some_file.yaml" 
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Ivan Ogai Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09

Ivan Ogai