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Pass arguments to a scriptblock in powershell

I guess you can't just do this:

  $servicePath = $args[0]    if(Test-Path -path $servicePath) <-- does not throw in here    $block = {          write-host $servicePath -foreground "magenta"          if((Test-Path -path $servicePath)) { <-- throws here.                dowork          }   } 

So how can I pass my variables to the scriptblock $block?

like image 928
dexter Avatar asked May 02 '13 20:05


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What is Scriptblock in PowerShell?

In the PowerShell programming language, a script block is a collection of statements or expressions that can be used as a single unit. A script block can accept arguments and return values. Syntactically, a script block is a statement list in braces, as shown in the following syntax: {<statement list>}

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1 Answers

Keith's answer also works for Invoke-Command, with the limit that you can't use named parameters. The arguments should be set using the -ArgumentList parameter and should be comma separated.

$sb = {     param($p1,$p2)     $OFS=','     "p1 is $p1, p2 is $p2, rest of args: $args" } Invoke-Command $sb -ArgumentList 1,2,3,4 

Also see here and here.

like image 124
Lars Truijens Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09

Lars Truijens