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Partiality Monad Transformer




I'm trying to deconstruct the IResult monad from attoparsec into a few pieces. Here's IResult

data IResult t r = Fail t [String] String
                 | Partial (t -> IResult t r)
                 | Done t r

This feels like it ought to be a combination of effects, "partiality" and failure. If failure is represented as just an Either ([String], String) then partiality might be

data Partiality t a = Now a | Later (t -> Partiality t a)

instance Monad (Partiality t) where
  return = pure
  (Now a) >>= f = f a
  (Later go) >>= f = Later $ \t -> go t >>= f

class MonadPartial t m where
  feed  :: t -> m a -> m a
  final :: m a -> Bool

instance MonadPartial t (Partiality t) where
  feed _ (Now a) = Now a
  feed t (Later go) = go t
  final (Now _) = True
  final (Later _) = False

(which gets its namesake from a paper by Danielsson when you use Partiality ())

I could use Partiality as a base monad, but is there a PartialityT monad transformer?

like image 870
J. Abrahamson Avatar asked Mar 04 '13 00:03

J. Abrahamson

People also ask

Do all monads have transformer types?

Pretty much all common monads have transformer types in the same way the MaybeT is a transformer for the ordinary Maybe monad. For a quick example, suppose we had an Env type containing some user information. We could wrap this environment in a Reader.

How do I implement a monad transformer readert?

Define a monad transformer ReaderT, such that the following works: Create a terminating, monadic fold, which allows you to perform effects while stepping through the list. There are many different ways to do this, both with and without monad transformers. NOTE Don't be surprised if this exercise is difficult to implement with transformers.

What is the difference between monad transformation and converse transformation?

Note that monad transformations are usually not commutative: for instance, applying the state transformer to the option monad yields a type (a computation which may fail and yield no final state), whereas the converse transformation has type (a computation which yields a final state and an optional return value).

What is the use of lift in monad transformer?

In a monad transformer, the lift function allows you to run actions in the underlying monad. This behavior is encompassed by the MonadTrans class: So using lift in the ReaderT Env IO action allows IO functions. Using the type template from the class, we can substitute Reader Env for t, and IO for m.

1 Answers

There sure is! Your Partiality monad is a free monad:

import Control.Monad.Free  -- from the `free` package

type Partiality t = Free ((->) t)

... and the corresponding PartialityT is a free monad transformer:

import Control.Monad.Trans.Free  -- also from the `free` package

type PartialityT t = FreeT ((->) t)

Here's an example program showing how you would use it:

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free

type PartialityT t = FreeT ((->) t)

await :: (Monad m) => PartialityT t m t
await = liftF id

printer :: (Show a) => PartialityT a IO r
printer = forever $ do
    a <- await
    lift $ print a

runPartialityT :: (Monad m) => [a] -> PartialityT a m r -> m ()
runPartialityT as p = case as of
    []   -> return ()
    a:as -> do
        x <- runFreeT p
        case x of
            Pure _ -> return ()
            Free k -> runPartialityT as (k a)

We build the free monad transformer using the await command to request new values and lift to invoke actions in the base monad. We get the Monad and MonadTrans instances for PartialityT for free, because the free monad transformer is automatically a monad and monad transformer for any given functor.

We run the above program like so:

>>> runPartialityT [1..] printer

I recommend you read this post I wrote about free monad transformers. However, the new official home of the free monad transformer is the free package.

Also, if you are looking for an effectful incremental parser, I'm about to release that as the pipes-parse package within a few days. You can check the current draft here.

like image 125
Gabriella Gonzalez Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11

Gabriella Gonzalez