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Partial specialization and friendship [duplicate]

I'm trying to access protected variables of a template class with different template parameters. A friend declaration with template parameters is giving the following error:

multiple template parameter lists are not allowed

My code is

template<class O_, class P_> 
class MyClass {
    //multiple template parameter lists are not allowed
    template<class R_> friend class MyClass<R_, P_> 
    //syntax error: template<
    friend template<class R_> class MyClass<R_, P_> 

    template<class R_>
    ACopyConstructor(MyClass<R_, P_> &myclass) :
    { }

    O_ SomeVariable;

If I remove the protection and friend declaration it works.

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Cem Kalyoncu Avatar asked Sep 22 '09 08:09

Cem Kalyoncu

1 Answers

From the standard: 14.5.3/9 [temp.friend], "A friend template shall not be declared partial specializations.", so you can only 'befriend' all instantiations of a class template or specific full specializations.

In your case, as you want to be friends with instantiations with one free template parameter, you need to declare the class template as a friend.


template< class A, class B > friend class MyClass;
like image 186
CB Bailey Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 14:10

CB Bailey