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Parsley.js - Validate optional input for only numbers

I have a form that has one optional input and 3 required input fields. For the optional input I have the below markup:

<input type="number" placeholder="0" min="0" max="20000" step="100" data-parsley-validation-threshold="1" data-parsley-trigger="keyup">

This does not fire the validation if I have type in letters or any other characters. It does validate for min and max values. If I put required attribute it does seem to work but I don't want that. I also tried defining a pattern as below:


None of them seem to work. Any ideas?

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user3312508 Avatar asked Dec 06 '14 23:12


1 Answers

You can use data-parsley-type="digits". Notice the use of type="text" instead of number.

This works if you only want to allow digits (not floats).

<input type="text" placeholder="0" min="0" max="20000" step="100" 
    data-parsley-validation-threshold="1" data-parsley-trigger="keyup" 
    data-parsley-type="digits" />

If you want floats, you can use data-parsley-type='number':

<input type="text" placeholder="0" min="0" max="20000" step="100" 
    data-parsley-validation-threshold="1" data-parsley-trigger="keyup" 
    data-parsley-type="number" />
like image 176
Luís Cruz Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 19:11

Luís Cruz