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Mongoose near(...) query on 2dsphere indexed field not returning valid results

I am unable to query a mongodb database using mongoose's qry.where().near() syntax.

I have a Schema with coordinates stored as an array, indexed as 2dsphere:

loc : { type: [Number], index: '2dsphere' }

I am running a mongoose query using .where().near():

    center: search.loc,
    maxDistance: search.distance * 1000

I have enabled mongoose.set('debug', true), and can see the resulting debug:

Inserting 2 documents in the collection with coordinates [ 10, -20 ]:

Mongoose: models.insert({ _id: ..., loc: [ 10, -20 ], type: 'apple' }) {}  
Mongoose: models.insert({ _id: ..., loc: [ 10, -20 ], type: 'orange' }) {}  

Searching for documents near coordinates [ 10, -20 ]:

Mongoose: models.find({ loc: { '$near': [ 10, -20 ], '$maxDistance': 1000 } })

The query returns no results.

I have proved the documents are in the database by searching on type. Its the geospatial query I can't get to work.

I am using mongodb v2.6.1 and mongoose v3.8.8

Full working example below:

Schema: (model.js)

var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
    Schema = mongoose.Schema;

var ModelSchema = new Schema({
    type : { type: String, index: true },
    loc  : { type: [Number], index: '2dsphere' }

ModelSchema.index({type: 1, loc: 1});

ModelSchema.statics.search = function(search, cb) {
    var qry = this.find();
    if (search.types) {
    if (search.loc) {
            center: search.loc,
            maxDistance: search.distance * 1000

Mocha test: (test.ts)

var q = require('node-promise'),
    should = require('should'),
    mongoose = require('mongoose');

var Model = require('./model');

describe('My Model', function() {
    before(function(done) {
        mongoose.set('debug', true);

        Model.remove().exec(function() {
            var create = function(promises, body) {
                var p = new q.Promise();
                var m = new Model(body);
                m.save(function(err) {
                    if (err) {
                    } else {

            var promises = [];
            create(promises, { type: 'apple',  loc: [ 10, -20 ] });
            create(promises, { type: 'orange', loc: [ 10, -20 ] });
            create(promises, { type: 'apple',  loc: [ 15,  10 ] });
            create(promises, { type: 'orange', loc: [ 15,  10 ] });
            q.all(promises).then(function() {

    it('should find all', function(done) {
        Model.search({}, function(err, items) {

    it('should find apples', function(done) {
        Model.search({types: ['apple']}, function(err, items) {

    // this test fails
    it('should find coords', function(done) {
        Model.search({loc: [ 10, -20 ], distance: 1}, function(err, items) {



  "name": "test",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "dependencies": {
    "mongoose": "~3.8.8"
  "devDependencies": {
    "should": "~2.1.0",
    "node-promise": "0.5.10"

Run through mocha:

sudo npm install -g mocha
npm install
mocha ./test.js
like image 427
Steve Lorimer Avatar asked May 30 '14 04:05

Steve Lorimer

1 Answers

Seems this is a moongoose bug.

Changing the query to use a GeoJSON object instead of a coordinate pair, as such:

    center: {
        type: 'Point',
        coordinates: search.loc
    maxDistance: search.distance * 1000

results in the following query:

Mongoose: models.find({ loc: { '$near': { 
        '$maxDistance': 1,
        '$geometry': { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ 10, -20 ] } } } 
    }) { fields: undefined }  

The search now succeeds.

The docs explicitly show a query using a coordinate pair:

query.where('loc').near({ center: [10, 10], maxDistance: 5 });

However, it looks like this doesn't work, and the example should be:

query.where('loc').near({ center: { coordinates: [10, 10], type: 'Point' }, maxDistance: 5 });
like image 166
Steve Lorimer Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Steve Lorimer