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Parse string in javascript

How can I parse this string on a javascript,

var string = "http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=322916384419110&set=a.265956512115091.68575.100001022542275&type=1";

I just want to get the "265956512115091" on the string. I somehow parse this string but, still not enough to get what I wanted.

my code:

var newstring = string.match(/set=[^ ]+/)[0]; 


like image 635
Robin Carlo Catacutan Avatar asked Jan 28 '12 13:01

Robin Carlo Catacutan

2 Answers

try this : 

  var g=string.match(/set=[a-z]\.([^.]+)/);

g[1] will have the value


like image 60
Royi Namir Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09

Royi Namir

You could use split() to modify your code like this:

var newstring = string.match(/set=[^ ]+/)[0].split(".")[1]; 

For a more generic approach to parsing query strings see:

Parse query string in JavaScript

Using the example illustrated there, you would do the following:

var newstring = getQueryVariable("set").split(".")[1];

like image 25
biscuit314 Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
