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Parse nested JSON to Data Frame in R




i'm having trouble with a very nasty nested JSON.

The format is like this

  "matches": [
      "matchId": 1,
      "region": "BR",
      "participants": [
          "participantId": 0,
          "teamId": 200,
         "stats": {
            "winner": true,
            "champLevel": 16,
            "item0": 3128,
      "matchId": 2,
      "region": "BR",
      "participants": [
          "participantId": 0,
          "teamId": 201,
         "stats": {
            "winner": false,
            "champLevel": 18,
            "item0": 3128,
            "item1": 3157,
            "item1": 3158,

As you can see in the second match the number of items increased, but in the data frame the first row will have the same collumns:

MatchId  region ... stats.winner stats.champLevel stats.item0 stats.item1 stats.item2  
1         BR          TRUE         16                 3128          1       BR
1         BR          TRUE         16                 3128          3157     3158

See the first row is smaller than the second, so R recycle the values ....

If you want the full data you can grab it at: http://pastebin.com/HQDf2ase

How I parsed the json to data.frame:

json.matchData <- fromJSON(file="file.json"))

Unlist the elements of the Json and convert it to a data frame

matchData.i <- lapply(json.matchData$matches, function(x){ unlist(x)})

Transform into Data Frame

matchData <- do.call("rbind", matchData.i)
matchData <- as.data.frame(matchData)

But the dataframe is messed up, because some fields should be NA but they are filled with wrong values.

like image 801
Abraão Caldas Avatar asked Dec 11 '14 18:12

Abraão Caldas

People also ask

How do I convert a JSON to a Dataframe in R?

Convert JSON into a dataframe We simply use the fromJSON() function to read data from the data. json file and pass loaded data to the as. data. frame() method to convert into a data frame.

What is Jsonlite?

jsonlite: A Simple and Robust JSON Parser and Generator for R. A reasonably fast JSON parser and generator, optimized for statistical data and the web. Offers simple, flexible tools for working with JSON in R, and is particularly powerful for building pipelines and interacting with a web API.

Does JSON allow nested objects?

Objects can be nested inside other objects. Each nested object must have a unique access path. The same field name can occur in nested objects in the same document.

Video Answer

1 Answers

I think using the plyr rbind.fill() function would be helpful here. How about this

matchData <- rbind.fill(lapply(matchData.i, 
    function(x) do.call("data.frame", as.list(x))

the lapply() bit is to turn the intermediate lists into data.frames which rbind.fill requires.

like image 181
MrFlick Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 12:10
