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Parse HTML string in Angular 2 and extract and update values




I just started working on an Angular project but am a bit stuck. I have a component that receives an HTML string from a (trusted) external source. I want to extract and update values from this string, and dispay it in my component.

Now displaying the string is easily done with the following code:

<div [innerHTML]="displayString"></div>

My input string has some <span> elements with the data-card-text element attached as identifier. Is it possible to extract this value, and update it whenever my component wants?

Example: let displayString:string = "<svg><text data-card-text>Value I want to update</text></svg>"

Are operations like these even possible in Angular 2?

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hY8vVpf3tyR57Xib Avatar asked Jun 03 '17 21:06


3 Answers

You can use DomSanitizer from platform-browser module

import {DomSanitizer} from '@angular/platform-browser';

Inject DomSanitizer in your component by initializing it in your constructor

  constructor(private domSanitizer: DomSanitizer)

use bypassSecurityTrustHtml() of DomSanitizer and pass your raw html content:

this.displayString= this.domSanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml("<svg><text data-card-text>Value I want to update</text></svg>");

I hope this will solve your problem.

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Deepak Kumar Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 06:11

Deepak Kumar

You have to create one Shared Service in which all your global variables are defined like below. Your global variable is "displayString"

export interface SharedModel {
    displayString: string;
    dynamicValue: string;

export class Shared {
    SharedComponent: SharedModel = {
           displayString: '<svg><text data-card-text>'+this.SharedComponent.dynamicValue+'</text></svg>'

Now access this service in your component where you need to set/get displayString as below.

import { Shared, SharedModel } from '../Shared';
export class MyComponent {
     public sharedData: SharedModel;
     constructor(public sharedResource: Shared)
         this.sharedData = sharedResource.SharedComponent;

Assign Value:(it may be in other component/service/APi in your case)

     this.sharedData.dynamicValue="My name is SANDIP PATEL"

Access/Get value in HTML:

<div [innerHTML]="sharedData.displayString"></div>
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Sandip - Frontend Developer Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 04:11

Sandip - Frontend Developer

In you component you can just define variable displayString as a public and then you can use it in html

public displayString:string = "<svg><text data-card-text>Value I want to update</text></svg>";
like image 2
Giga Songulashvili Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 04:11

Giga Songulashvili