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Parse error return from HTTP catch - Angular 2

I have achieved to get the value of the API error return via catch in my HTTP Request. My problem now is how can I get the return value of the HTTP catch in my component when I call the service.

This is my code in my HTTP service:

        let headers = new Headers();

        return this.http.post(this.configEnvironment.url() + "oauth/access_token",
                    username: username,
                    password: password,
                    grant_type: "password",
                    client_id: "xxxx",
                    client_secret: "xxxxx"
            { headers }
        .map(res => res.json())
        .catch((err:Response) => {
            let details = err.json();
            return Observable.throw(new Error(details));


This is my code in my login.component:

                data => console.log("data"),
                error => {
                ()  =>  console.log("Finished")

and in the chrome developer tools this is the return of the console.log:

Error: [object Object](…)

But the actual return of the http service catch is this: { "error":"invalid_credentials","error_description": "invalid credentials" } and this is I want to get in the login.component

like image 716
Sydney Loteria Avatar asked Oct 16 '16 07:10

Sydney Loteria

1 Answers

In your .catch(), change:

return Observable.throw(new Error(details));


return Observable.throw(details);
like image 118
BeetleJuice Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 00:11
