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paramiko ssh.connect - what arguments to send?

I'm really really new to python and ssh.

I'm trying to write a simple program to open ssh connection using python. I already have paramiko, but the problem I'm having is this:

Using terminal I use the following command to open my ssh:

ssh username%[email protected]

Now I don't know what arguments to send to - ssh.connect()

Any ideas?

like image 610
oopsi Avatar asked Jul 18 '12 22:07


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What is Paramiko connection?

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2 Answers

In paramiko documentation there is the following example:

client = SSHClient()
stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('ls -l')

You can also specify the username and password when calling connect(). Here you have the method's signature:

connect(self, hostname, port=22, username=None, password=None,
        pkey=None, key_filename=None, timeout=None, allow_agent=True,
        look_for_keys=True, compress=False)
like image 68
betabandido Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 17:10


The docs are pretty clear on this one, have a look and see if you can make sense of it - http://www.lag.net/paramiko/docs/paramiko.SSHClient-class.html#connect

connect(self, hostname, port=22, username=None, password=None, pkey=None, key_filename=None, timeout=None, allow_agent=True, look_for_keys=True, compress=False)

So for you the command would be

ssh.connect('gw.cs.huji.ac.il', username='username%hostname')
like image 37
mjallday Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 16:10
