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Parametrised data type in Scala

While reading the article "Data types a la carte" by Wouter Swierstra, I've got stuck at translating the following Haskell code into Scala:

data Expr f = In (f (Expr f ))

Expr is the data type used for representing arithmetic expressions in the way that specific expressions can be written as follows:

data Val e = Val Int
type IntExpr = Expr Val

data Add e = Add e e
type AddExpr = Expr Add

My problem is in implementing f (which might be thought of as the signature of the constructor) in Scala.

P.S. Defining a coproduct of two signatures, you can later on combine data types, getting an expression of type Expr (Val :+: Add ):

data (f :+: g) e = Inl (f e) | Inr (g e)

addExample :: Expr (Val :+: Add )
addExample = In (Inr (Add (In (Inl (Val 118))) (In (Inl (Val 1219)))))
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Vasil Remeniuk Avatar asked Jul 14 '11 13:07

Vasil Remeniuk

People also ask

What are parameterized data types?

A parameterized datatype is a recipe for creating a family of related datatypes. The type variable 'a is a type parameter for which any other type may be supplied. For example, int List is a list of integers, real List is a list of reals, and so on.

What is a type parameter in Scala?

Language. Methods in Scala can be parameterized by type as well as by value. The syntax is similar to that of generic classes. Type parameters are enclosed in square brackets, while value parameters are enclosed in parentheses.

What is the meaning of => in Scala?

=> is syntactic sugar for creating instances of functions. Recall that every function in scala is an instance of a class. For example, the type Int => String , is equivalent to the type Function1[Int,String] i.e. a function that takes an argument of type Int and returns a String .

What is generic type in Scala?

Generic classes are classes which take a type as a parameter. They are particularly useful for collection classes.

2 Answers

Perhaps something like

case class Expr[f[_]] (in : f [Expr[f]])

This is not as useful as in Haskell though. Suppose you define

case class Val[e] (v: Int)

Then Val(3) will have a type of Val[Nothing], and you cannot use it with Expr.

scala> val e = Expr(Val(3))               
<console>:9: error: no type parameters for method apply: 
(in: f[Expr[f]])Expr[f] in object Expr exist so that it can be applied 
to arguments (Val[Nothing])
 --- because ---
argument expression's type is not compatible with formal parameter type;
 found   : Val[Nothing]
 required: ?f[ Expr[?f] ]
       val e = Expr(Val(3))

You may still specify the type explicitly

val e = Expr(Val(3):Val[Expr[Val]])

but this is no fun. You of course can define a function of the right type and use it instead of Val.

Note that I'm still a Scala noob and perhaps there's a more elegant method.

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n. 1.8e9-where's-my-share m. Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09

n. 1.8e9-where's-my-share m.

I've suddenly found this blogpost that provides some good explanations on translating "Data types a la carte" into Scala. Proposed solution looks as follows:

case class Val[E](i: Int)
case class Add[E](left: E, right: E)

case class Expr[F[X]](e: F[Expr[F]])

sealed trait Sum[F[X], G[X], E]
case class Inl[F[X], G[X], E](l: F[E]) extends Sum[F,G,E]
case class Inr[F[X], G[X], E](r: G[E]) extends Sum[F,G,E]

trait Apply2Of3[F[A[_],B[_],_],A[_],B[_]] {
        type It[C] = F[A,B,C]

type Tmp[X] = Apply2Of3[Sum,Val,Add]#It[X]

val addExample: Expr[Tmp] = In[Tmp](Inr(Add(In[Tmp](Inl(Val(118))), In[Tmp](Inl(Val(1219))))))

It is far not as sweet as the original one (made in Haskell), but quite useful in the sense that 1) it demonstrates that it's generally possible to implement the idea in Scala, and 2) brings up some weaknesses of Scala compared to Haskell.

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Vasil Remeniuk Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09

Vasil Remeniuk