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parameters for google cloud natural language api

I want to use pure http requests to get the result from google cloud natural language api, but their document does not specify the parameter names.

Here is my python code:

import requests
url = "https://language.googleapis.com/v1beta1/documents:analyzeEntities"
d = {"document": {"content": "some text here", "type": "PLAIN_TEXT"}}
para = {"key": "my api key"}
r = requests.post(url, params=para, data=d)

Here is the error message: {u'error': {u'status': u'INVALID_ARGUMENT', u'message': u'Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "document": Cannot bind query parameter. \'document\' is a message type. Parameters can only be bound to primitive types.', u'code': 400, u'details': [{u'fieldViolations': [{u'description': u'Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name "document": Cannot bind query parameter. \'document\' is a message type. Parameters can only be bound to primitive types.'}], u'@type': u'type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.BadRequest'}]}}

how should I create the http request without using their python library?

like image 615
al3xtouch Avatar asked Oct 13 '16 06:10


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What is Google Cloud natural language API?

The Natural Language API provides a powerful set of tools for analyzing and parsing text through syntactic analysis. To perform syntactic analysis, use the analyzeSyntax method. Syntactic Analysis consists of the following operations: Sentence extraction breaks up the stream of text into a series of sentences.

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The Cloud Natural Language API lets you extract entities from text, perform sentiment and syntactic analysis, and classify text into categories.

1 Answers

ok, I figured it out. I need to pass JSON-Encoded POST/PATCH data, so the request should be r = requests.post(url, params=para, json=d)

like image 139
al3xtouch Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10
