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parameter for xcodebuild for using latest sdk.

I using ant exec task to execute xcodebuild to build some iOS projects hudson. I would like to be able to crate script that way that allows not to specify sdk version, because after updating sdk on hudson slave or my iOS projects all my projects failing....

There is is nice option in xcode since sdk 4.2 in target setup Base SDK - Latest iOS

and I don't have to provide -sdk param in xcodebuild command, but then (i think) it's taken from xcode project and it's bad because then some one can change target from simulator to device accidentally during commit.

I need something that is constant. I will prefer not to use env variable because I would like to be able to run this ant task also on dev machines and would like not have to renember about setting it on all machines.

Unfortunately xcodebuild -showsdks gives only:

Mac OS X SDKs:     Mac OS X 10.4                   -sdk macosx10.4     Mac OS X 10.5                   -sdk macosx10.5     Mac OS X 10.6                   -sdk macosx10.6  iOS SDKs:     iOS 4.2                         -sdk iphoneos4.2  iOS Simulator SDKs:     Simulator - iOS 3.2             -sdk iphonesimulator3.2     Simulator - iOS 4.0             -sdk iphonesimulator4.0     Simulator - iOS 4.1             -sdk iphonesimulator4.1     Simulator - iOS 4.2             -sdk iphonesimulator4.2 

I need something like -sdk iphoneosLatest. My only idea is to pare output of xcodebuild -showsdks with some script, but I don't like this idea.

like image 680
Maciek Sawicki Avatar asked Nov 30 '10 14:11

Maciek Sawicki

People also ask

What is Xcodebuild command?

xcodebuild is a command-line tool that offers the ability to build and test your Xcode projects.

Where is Xcodebuild located?

It should by located in: ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData .

How do I run a command-line in Xcode?

go to the 'Info' tab and in a menu 'Executable' choose 'Other...' in file window go to search input field and type 'terminal' and click on its icon when you find it. Now you should see 'Terminal. app' in 'Executable' field.

2 Answers

You can use xcodebuild with the latest SDK using :

  • xcodebuild -sdk iphoneos, for Device
  • xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator, for Simulator.

We use these options for our automated builds and it's been working since XCode 3.2.5

like image 60
David Lacourt Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 07:10

David Lacourt

I believe you can use xcodebuild -sdk iphoneos (no version number) to accomplish this.

like image 38
James J Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 06:10

James J