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How do I check where my app is using IDFA

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How do apps use IDFA?

The Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) is a random device identifier assigned by Apple to a user's device. Advertisers use this to track data so they can deliver customized advertising. The IDFA is used for tracking and identifying a user (without revealing personal information).

How do I find device IDFA?

To find your device's AAID, open the Settings app on your Android device and click on Ads. Your AAID is listed at the bottom of the screen. Resetting your MAID may alter your settings for ad preferences and therefore may require you to reset those preferences.

What is IDFA on my phone?

IDFAs (and the Android equivalent, Google's Android Advertising IDs) help an advertiser identify the specific phone where an ad action took place.

In order to check Advertising Identifier, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Open the terminal window. Run the following command:

    cd (drag and drop your project folder here) Your_Project_Path

    Now, the current working directory will be your project folder.

  2. Find all the SDK that uses "Advertising Identifier" using following commands:

    find . | grep -v .svn | grep "\.a" | grep -v "\.app" | xargs grep advertisingIdentifier


    find . -type f | grep "\.a" | grep -v "\.app" | xargs grep advertisingIdentifier

    and / or

    grep -lr "advertisingIdentifier" * | grep -v .svn | grep -v .md
  3. After getting the list of frameworks, search for the frameworks that MATCHES the query. Remove/ Upgrade those frameworks as per your requirement.