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parallelising tf.data.Dataset.from_generator

I have a non trivial input pipeline that from_generator is perfect for...

dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_generator(complex_img_label_generator,                                         (tf.int32, tf.string)) dataset = dataset.batch(64) iter = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() imgs, labels = iter.get_next() 

Where complex_img_label_generator dynamically generates images and returns a numpy array representing a (H, W, 3) image and a simple string label. The processing not something I can represent as reading from files and tf.image operations.

My question is about how to parallise the generator? How do I have N of these generators running in their own threads.

One thought was to use dataset.map with num_parallel_calls to handle the threading; but the map operates on tensors... Another thought was to create multiple generators each with it's own prefetch and somehow join them, but I can't see how I'd join N generator streams?

Any canonical examples I could follow?

like image 475
mat kelcey Avatar asked Nov 03 '17 00:11

mat kelcey

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2 Answers

Turns out I can use Dataset.map if I make the generator super lightweight (only generating meta data) and then move the actual heavy lighting into a stateless function. This way I can parallelise just the heavy lifting part with .map using a py_func.

Works; but feels a tad clumsy... Would be great to be able to just add num_parallel_calls to from_generator :)

def pure_numpy_and_pil_complex_calculation(metadata, label):   # some complex pil and numpy work nothing to do with tf   ...  dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_generator(lightweight_generator,                                          output_types=(tf.string,   # metadata                                                        tf.string))  # label  def wrapped_complex_calulation(metadata, label):   return tf.py_func(func = pure_numpy_and_pil_complex_calculation,                     inp = (metadata, label),                     Tout = (tf.uint8,    # (H,W,3) img                             tf.string))  # label dataset = dataset.map(wrapped_complex_calulation,                       num_parallel_calls=8)  dataset = dataset.batch(64) iter = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() imgs, labels = iter.get_next() 
like image 88
mat kelcey Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09

mat kelcey

I am working on a from_indexable for tf.data.Dataset https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/14448

The advantage for from_indexable is that it can be parallelized, while a python generator cannot be parallelized.

The function from_indexable makes a tf.data.range, wraps the indexable in a generalized tf.py_func and calls map.

For those that want now a from_indexable, here the lib code

import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np  from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape from tensorflow.python.util import nest  def py_func_decorator(output_types=None, output_shapes=None, stateful=True, name=None):     def decorator(func):         def call(*args):             nonlocal output_shapes              flat_output_types = nest.flatten(output_types)             flat_values = tf.py_func(                 func,                  inp=args,                  Tout=flat_output_types,                 stateful=stateful, name=name             )             if output_shapes is not None:                 # I am not sure if this is nessesary                 output_shapes = nest.map_structure_up_to(                     output_types, tensor_shape.as_shape, output_shapes)                 flattened_shapes = nest.flatten_up_to(output_types, output_shapes)                 for ret_t, shape in zip(flat_values, flattened_shapes):                     ret_t.set_shape(shape)             return nest.pack_sequence_as(output_types, flat_values)         return call     return decorator  def from_indexable(iterator, output_types, output_shapes=None, num_parallel_calls=None, stateful=True, name=None):     ds = tf.data.Dataset.range(len(iterator))     @py_func_decorator(output_types, output_shapes, stateful=stateful, name=name)     def index_to_entry(index):         return iterator[index]         return ds.map(index_to_entry, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls) 

and here an example (Note: from_indexable has a num_parallel_calls argument)

class PyDataSet:     def __len__(self):         return 20      def __getitem__(self, item):         return np.random.normal(size=(item+1, 10))  ds = from_indexable(PyDataSet(), output_types=tf.float64, output_shapes=[None, 10]) it = ds.make_one_shot_iterator() entry = it.get_next() with tf.Session() as sess:     print(sess.run(entry).shape)     print(sess.run(entry).shape) 

Update June 10, 2018: Since https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/pull/15121 is merged, the code for from_indexable simplifies to:

import tensorflow as tf  def py_func_decorator(output_types=None, output_shapes=None, stateful=True, name=None):     def decorator(func):         def call(*args, **kwargs):             return tf.contrib.framework.py_func(                 func=func,                  args=args, kwargs=kwargs,                  output_types=output_types, output_shapes=output_shapes,                  stateful=stateful, name=name             )         return call     return decorator  def from_indexable(iterator, output_types, output_shapes=None, num_parallel_calls=None, stateful=True, name=None):     ds = tf.data.Dataset.range(len(iterator))     @py_func_decorator(output_types, output_shapes, stateful=stateful, name=name)     def index_to_entry(index):         return iterator[index]         return ds.map(index_to_entry, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls) 
like image 25
Christoph Böddeker Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09

Christoph Böddeker