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Pandas - Slice large dataframe into chunks

I have a large dataframe (>3MM rows) that I'm trying to pass through a function (the one below is largely simplified), and I keep getting a Memory Error message.

I think I'm passing too large of a dataframe into the function, so I'm trying to:

1) Slice the dataframe into smaller chunks (preferably sliced by AcctName)

2) Pass the dataframe into the function

3) Concatenate the dataframes back into one large dataframe

def trans_times_2(df):
    df['Double_Transaction'] = df['Transaction'] * 2

AcctName   Timestamp    Transaction
ABC        12/1         12.12
ABC        12/2         20.89
ABC        12/3         51.93    
DEF        12/2         13.12
DEF        12/8          9.93
DEF        12/9         92.09
GHI        12/1         14.33
GHI        12/6         21.99
GHI        12/12        98.81

I know that my function works properly, since it will work on a smaller dataframe (e.g. 40,000 rows). I tried the following, but I was unsuccessful with concatenating the small dataframes back into one large dataframe.

def split_df(df):
    new_df = []
    AcctNames = df.AcctName.unique()
    DataFrameDict = {elem: pd.DataFrame for elem in AcctNames}
    key_list = [k for k in DataFrameDict.keys()]
    new_df = []
    for key in DataFrameDict.keys():
        DataFrameDict[key] = df[:][df.AcctNames == key]
    rejoined_df = pd.concat(new_df)

How I envision the dataframes being split:

AcctName   Timestamp    Transaction  Double_Transaction
ABC        12/1         12.12        24.24
ABC        12/2         20.89        41.78
ABC        12/3         51.93        103.86

AcctName   Timestamp    Transaction  Double_Transaction
DEF        12/2         13.12        26.24
DEF        12/8          9.93        19.86
DEF        12/9         92.09        184.18

AcctName   Timestamp    Transaction  Double_Transaction
GHI        12/1         14.33        28.66
GHI        12/6         21.99        43.98
GHI        12/12        98.81        197.62
like image 550
Walt Reed Avatar asked Jun 23 '17 20:06

Walt Reed

People also ask

How do I break up a Pandas DataFrame into chunks?

Using the iloc() function to split DataFrame in Python We can use the iloc() function to slice DataFrames into smaller DataFrames. The iloc() function allows us to access elements based on the index of rows and columns. Using this function, we can split a DataFrame based on rows or columns.

Can I slice a Pandas DataFrame?

Slicing a DataFrame in Pandas includes the following steps:Ensure Python is installed (or install ActivePython) Import a dataset. Create a DataFrame. Slice the DataFrame.

3 Answers

You can use list comprehension to split your dataframe into smaller dataframes contained in a list.

n = 200000  #chunk row size
list_df = [df[i:i+n] for i in range(0,df.shape[0],n)]

Or use numpy array_split:

list_df = np.array_split(df, n)

You can access the chunks with:


Then you can assemble it back into a one dataframe using pd.concat.

By AcctName

list_df = []

for n,g in df.groupby('AcctName'):
like image 138
Scott Boston Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 18:10

Scott Boston

I'd suggest using a dependency more_itertools. It handles all edge cases like uneven partition of the dataframe and returns an iterator that will make things a tiny bit more efficient.

(updated using code from @Acumenus)

from more_itertools import sliced

index_slices = sliced(range(len(df)), CHUNK_SIZE)

for index_slice in index_slices:
  chunk = df.iloc[index_slice] # your dataframe chunk ready for use

like image 43
ilykos Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 18:10


I love @ScottBoston answer, although, I still haven't memorized the incantation. Here's a more verbose function that does the same thing:

def chunkify(df: pd.DataFrame, chunk_size: int):
    start = 0
    length = df.shape[0]

    # If DF is smaller than the chunk, return the DF
    if length <= chunk_size:
        yield df[:]

    # Yield individual chunks
    while start + chunk_size <= length:
        yield df[start:chunk_size + start]
        start = start + chunk_size

    # Yield the remainder chunk, if needed
    if start < length:
        yield df[start:]

To rebuild the data frame, accumulate each chunk in a list, then pd.concat(chunks, axis=1)

like image 3
rodrigo-silveira Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 18:10
