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Pandas read _excel: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xa8 in position 14: invalid start byte

Trying to read MS Excel file, version 2016. File contains several lists with data. File downloaded from DataBase and it can be opened in MS Office correctly. In example below I changed the file name.

EDIT: file contains russian and english words. Most probably used the Latin-1 encoding, but encoding='latin-1' does not help

import pandas as pd
with open('1.xlsx', 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
        data = pd.read_excel(f)


UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xa8 in position 14: invalid start byte

Without encoding ='utf8'

'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 622: character maps to <undefined>

P.S. Task is to process 52 files, to merge data in every sheet with corresponded sheets in the 52 files. So, please no handle work advices.

like image 844
pure_true Avatar asked Feb 06 '18 16:02


4 Answers

Most probably you're using Python3. In Python2 this wouldn't happen.

xlsx files are binary (actually they're an xml, but it's compressed), so you need to open them in binary mode. Use this call to open:

open('1.xlsx', 'rb')

There's no full traceback, but I imagine the UnicodeDecodeError comes from the file object, not from read_excel(). That happens because the stream of bytes can contain anything, but we don't want decoding to happen too soon; read_excel() must receive raw bytes and be able to process them.

like image 145
Alan Franzoni Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 13:11

Alan Franzoni

The problem is that the original requester is calling read_excel with a filehandle as the first argument. As demonstrated by the last responder, the first argument should be a string containing the filename.

I ran into this same error using:

df = pd.read_excel(open("file.xlsx",'r'))

but correct is:

df = pd.read_excel("file.xlsx")

like image 8
Stu Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 12:11


Most probably the problem is in Russian symbols.

Charmap is default decoding method used in case no encoding is beeing noticed.

As I see if utf-8 and latin-1 do not help then try to read this file not as




or even just


in order to check what is a symbol raise an exeception and delete this symbol/symbols.

like image 3
plnnvkv Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 12:11


Panda support encoding feature to read your excel In your case you can use:


or if you want in more of system specific without any surpise you can use:

like image 2
Nishant Patel Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 12:11

Nishant Patel