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Pandas rank by multiple columns

I am trying to rank a pandas data frame based on two columns. I can rank it based on one column, but how can to rank it based on two columns? 'SaleCount', then 'TotalRevenue'?

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'TotalRevenue':[300,9000,1000,750,500,2000,0,600,50,500],
    'Date':['2016-12-02' for i in range(10)],

df['Rank'] = df.SaleCount.rank(method='dense',ascending = False).astype(int)

#df['Rank'] = df.TotalRevenue.rank(method='dense',ascending = False).astype(int)
df.sort_values(['Rank'], inplace=True)


current output:

    Date        SaleCount   TotalRevenue    shops   Rank
1   2016-12-02  100          9000            S2      1
5   2016-12-06  100          2000            S8      1
3   2016-12-04  35           750             S5      2
2   2016-12-03  30           1000            S1      3
7   2016-12-08  30           600             S7      3
9   2016-12-10  20           500             S10     4
4   2016-12-05  20           500             S4      4
0   2016-12-01  10           300             S3      5
8   2016-12-09  2            50              S9      6
6   2016-12-07  0            0               S6      7

I'm trying to generate an output like this:

    Date        SaleCount   TotalRevenue    shops   Rank
1   2016-12-02  100          9000            S2      1
5   2016-12-02  100          2000            S8      2
3   2016-12-02  35           750             S5      3
2   2016-12-02  30           1000            S1      4
7   2016-12-02  30           600             S7      5
9   2016-12-02  20           500             S10     6
4   2016-12-02  20           500             S4      6
0   2016-12-02  10           300             S3      7
8   2016-12-02  2            50              S9      8
6   2016-12-02  0            0               S6      9
like image 707
Anoop Avatar asked Feb 01 '17 07:02


People also ask

How do you rank in multiple columns?

Select a blank cell which you will place the ranking result, for instance, D2, and type this formula =RANK(B2,$B$2:$B$7)+SUMPRODUCT(--($B$2:$B$7=$B2),--(C2<$C$2:$C$7)), press Enter key, and then drag fill handle over the cells which use this formula.

How do you rank a column in pandas?

Pandas DataFrame: rank() function The rank() function is used to compute numerical data ranks (1 through n) along axis. By default, equal values are assigned a rank that is the average of the ranks of those values. Index to direct ranking. How to rank the group of records that have the same value (i.e. ties):

How do pandas rank rows?

For assigning the rank to our dataframe's elements, we use a built-in function of the pandas library that is the . rank() function. We pass the criteria based on which we are ranking the elements to it, and this function returns a new column in each row where the ranking is stored.

1 Answers

The generic way to do that is to group the desired fiels in a tuple, whatever the types.

df["Rank"] = df[["SaleCount","TotalRevenue"]].apply(tuple,axis=1)\


   TotalRevenue        Date  SaleCount shops  Rank
1          9000  2016-12-02        100    S2     1
5          2000  2016-12-02        100    S8     2
3           750  2016-12-02         35    S5     3
2          1000  2016-12-02         30    S1     4
7           600  2016-12-02         30    S7     5
4           500  2016-12-02         20    S4     6
9           500  2016-12-02         20   S10     6
0           300  2016-12-02         10    S3     7
8            50  2016-12-02          2    S9     8
6             0  2016-12-02          0    S6     9
like image 125
B. M. Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09

B. M.