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pandas idxmax: return all rows in case of ties

I am working with a dataframe where I have weight each row by its probability. Now, I want to select the row with the highest probability and I am using pandas idxmax() to do so, however when there are ties, it just returns the first row among the ones that tie. In my case, I want to get all the rows that tie.

Furthermore, I am doing this as part of a research project where I am processing millions a dataframes like the one below, so keeping it fast is an issue.


My data looks like this:

data = [['chr1',100,200,0.2],
    ['chr1', 300, 500, 0.3],
    ['chr1', 600, 800, 0.3]]

From this list, I create a pandas dataframe as follows:

weighted = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data,columns=['chrom','start','end','probability'])

Which looks like this:

  chrom  start  end  probability
0  chr1    100  200          0.2
1   ch1    300  500          0.3
2  chr1    300  500          0.3
3  chr1    600  800          0.3

Then select the row that fits argmax(probability) using:

selected =  weighted.ix[weighted['probability'].idxmax()]

Which of course returns:

chrom          ch1
start          300
end            500
probability    0.3
Name: 1, dtype: object

Is there a (fast) way to the get all the values when there are ties?


like image 803
Praderas Avatar asked Oct 01 '18 09:10


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1 Answers

The bottleneck lies in calculating the Boolean indexer. You can bypass the overhead associated with pd.Series objects by performing calculations with the underlying NumPy array:

df2 = df[df['probability'].values == df['probability'].values.max()]

Performance benchmarking with the Pandas equivalent:

# tested on Pandas v0.19.2, Python 3.6.0

df = pd.concat([df]*100000, ignore_index=True)

%timeit df['probability'].eq(df['probability'].max())               # 3.78 ms per loop
%timeit df['probability'].values == df['probability'].values.max()  # 416 µs per loop
like image 89
jpp Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 21:09
