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PyTorch Gradient Descent




I am trying to manually implement gradient descent in PyTorch as a learning exercise. I have the following to create my synthetic dataset:

import torch
N = 100
x = torch.rand(N,1)*5
# Let the following command be the true function
y = 2.3 + 5.1*x
# Get some noisy observations
y_obs = y + 2*torch.randn(N,1)

Then I create my predictive function (y_pred) as shown below.

w = torch.randn(1, requires_grad=True)
b = torch.randn(1, requires_grad=True)
y_pred = w*x+b
mse = torch.mean((y_pred-y_obs)**2)

which uses MSE to infer the weights w,b. I use the block below to update the values according to the gradient.

gamma = 1e-2
for i in range(100):
  w = w - gamma *w.grad
  b = b - gamma *b.grad

However, the loop only works in the first iteration. The second iteration onwards w.grad is set to None. I am fairly sure the reason this happens is because I am setting w as a function of it self (I might be wrong).

The question is how do I update the weights properly with the gradient information?

like image 742
sachinruk Avatar asked Sep 06 '18 23:09


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1 Answers

  1. You should call the backward method before you apply the gradient descent.
  2. You need to use the new weight to calculate the loss every iteration.
  3. Create new tensor without gradient tape every iteration.

The following code works fine on my computer and gives w=5.1 & b=2.2 after 500 iterations training.


import torch
N = 100
x = torch.rand(N,1)*5
# Let the following command be the true function
y = 2.3 + 5.1*x
# Get some noisy observations
y_obs = y + 0.2*torch.randn(N,1)

w = torch.randn(1, requires_grad=True)
b = torch.randn(1, requires_grad=True)

gamma = 0.01
for i in range(500):
    # use new weight to calculate loss
    y_pred = w * x + b
    mse = torch.mean((y_pred - y_obs) ** 2)

    # backward
    print('w:', w)
    print('b:', b)
    print('w.grad:', w.grad)
    print('b.grad:', b.grad)

    # gradient descent, don't track
    with torch.no_grad():
        w = w - gamma * w.grad
        b = b - gamma * b.grad
    w.requires_grad = True
    b.requires_grad = True


w: tensor([5.1095], requires_grad=True)
b: tensor([2.2474], requires_grad=True)
w.grad: tensor([0.0179])
b.grad: tensor([-0.0576])
like image 99
Robert Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 17:10
