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Pandas compare next row

I have a dataframe like this

d={} d['z']=['Q8','Q8','Q7','Q9','Q9'] d['t']=['10:30','10:31','10:38','10:40','10:41'] d['qty']=[20,20,9,12,12] 

I want compare first row with second row

  1. is qty same as next row AND
  2. is t greater in the next row AND
  3. is z value same as next row

The desired value is

   qty                   t   z  valid 0   20 2015-06-05 10:30:00  Q8  False 1   20 2015-06-05 10:31:00  Q8   True 2    9 2015-06-05 10:38:00  Q7  False 3   12 2015-06-05 10:40:00  Q9  False 4   12 2015-06-05 10:41:00  Q9   True 
like image 535
NinjaGaiden Avatar asked Jun 05 '15 18:06


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1 Answers

Looks like you want to use the Series.shift method.

Using this method, you can generate new columns which are offset to the original columns. Like this:

df['qty_s'] = df['qty'].shift(-1) df['t_s'] = df['t'].shift(-1) df['z_s'] = df['z'].shift(-1) 

Now you can compare these:

df['is_something'] = (df['qty'] == df['qty_s']) & (df['t'] < df['t_s']) & (df['z'] == df['z_s']) 

Here is a simplified example of how Series.shift works to compare next row to the current:

df = pd.DataFrame({"temp_celcius":pd.np.random.choice(10, 10) + 20}, index=pd.date_range("2015-05-15", "2015-05-24"))  df             temp_celcius  2015-05-15            21 2015-05-16            28 2015-05-17            27 2015-05-18            21 2015-05-19            25 2015-05-20            28 2015-05-21            25 2015-05-22            22 2015-05-23            29 2015-05-24            25  df["temp_c_yesterday"] = df["temp_celcius"].shift(1) df             temp_celcius  temp_c_yesterday 2015-05-15            21               NaN 2015-05-16            28                21 2015-05-17            27                28 2015-05-18            21                27 2015-05-19            25                21 2015-05-20            28                25 2015-05-21            25                28 2015-05-22            22                25 2015-05-23            29                22 2015-05-24            25                29  df["warmer_than_yesterday"] = df["temp_celcius"] > df["temp_c_yesterday"]             temp_celcius  temp_c_yesterday warmer_than_yesterday 2015-05-15            21               NaN                 False 2015-05-16            28                21                  True 2015-05-17            27                28                 False 2015-05-18            21                27                 False 2015-05-19            25                21                  True 2015-05-20            28                25                  True 2015-05-21            25                28                 False 2015-05-22            22                25                 False 2015-05-23            29                22                  True 2015-05-24            25                29                 False 

If I misunderstood your query, please post a comment and I'll update my answer.

like image 144
firelynx Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09
