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Pandas adding Time column to Date index

I have a dataframe, Date index type is Timestamp, Time column is datetime.Time:

            Time  Value
2004-05-01  0:15  3.58507  
2004-05-02  0:30  3.84625

How do I convert it to:

2004-05-01 0:15     3.74618
2004-05-01 0:30     3.58507
2004-05-01 0:45     3.30998

I wrote a code which does work, but it's not very pythonic:

ind = frame.index.get_level_values(0).tolist()
tms = frame['Time']
new_ind = []
for i in range(0, len(ind)):
    tm = tms[i]
    val = ind[i] + timedelta(hours=tm.hour, minutes=tm.minute, seconds=tm.second)

frame.index = new_ind
del frame['Time']
like image 985
alexbk66 Avatar asked Jan 08 '17 07:01


People also ask

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In line 7, we use the to_datetime() function, which takes your entire data frame and creates a datetime object, to create a new column, Date-Time , in our data frame and save the new values.

How do I combine date and time columns in pandas?

Pandas Combine() Function combine() function which allows us to take a date and time string values and combine them to a single Pandas timestamp object. The function accepts two main parameters: Date – refers to the datetime. date object denoting the date string.

How do you make a datetime column An index?

To get a new datetime column and set it as DatetimeIndex we can use the format parameter of the to_datetime function followed by the set_index function. The output above shows our DataFrame with DatetimeIndex. That's it!

How do I work with dates and times in pandas?

Pandas has a built-in function called to_datetime()that converts date and time in string format to a DateTime object. As you can see, the 'date' column in the DataFrame is currently of a string-type object. Thus, to_datetime() converts the column to a series of the appropriate datetime64 dtype.

1 Answers

You can first convert column Time to_timedelta, then add to index, drop column Time and if necessary set index name:

df.Time = pd.to_timedelta(df.Time + ':00', unit='h')
df.index = df.index + df.Time
df = df.drop('Time', axis=1)
df.index.name = 'Date'
print (df)
2004-05-01 00:15:00  3.58507
2004-05-02 00:30:00  3.84625

If column Time is datetime.time for me works cast to string first (if necessary add :00):

df.Time = pd.to_timedelta(df.Time.astype(str), unit='h')
df.index = df.index + df.Time
df = df.drop('Time', axis=1)
df.index.name = 'Date'
print (df)
2004-05-01 00:15:00  3.58507
2004-05-02 00:30:00  3.84625
like image 120
jezrael Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 12:10
