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pageYOffset Scrolling and Animation in IE8

I am working on a scrolling page design and I have the following Javascript to hide and show a dialog box:

        if(window.pageYOffset >= 300){



    if(document.documentElement.scrollTop >=300){



This works great in Chrome,FF, IE9+

However, in IE8,7 it only kind of works. It shows and hides the element properly but the delay between when it evaluates the scroll position and when it hides the element is horrendous. Also, there is no fade, it just happens.

I am wondering if its just a problem with IE8 that I need to deal with or if there is a way for me to achieve a reactive, clean fade with IE8.

like image 528
Shawn Borsky Avatar asked Apr 23 '12 18:04

Shawn Borsky

People also ask

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According to MDN, the pageXoffset and pageYoffset is not deprecated.

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Method 1: Using window.scrollTo() The scrollTo() method of the window Interface can be used to scroll to a specified location on the page. It accepts 2 parameters the x and y coordinate of the page to scroll to. Passing both the parameters as 0 will scroll the page to the topmost and leftmost point.

2 Answers

pageYOffset and pageXOffset are not supported in IE8 and before, try this function:

// Return the current scrollbar offsets as the x and y properties of an object
function getScrollOffsets() {

    // This works for all browsers except IE versions 8 and before
    if ( window.pageXOffset != null ) 
       return {
           x: window.pageXOffset, 
           y: window.pageYOffset

    // For browsers in Standards mode
    var doc = window.document;
    if ( document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" ) {
        return {
            x: doc.documentElement.scrollLeft, 
            y: doc.documentElement.scrollTop

    // For browsers in Quirks mode
    return { 
        x: doc.body.scrollLeft, 
        y: doc.body.scrollTop 
like image 114
undefined Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09


You can also fix it using this:

document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset;

So you have it

if((document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset) >= 300){

In this way you can avoid replicate code.

like image 21
pm.calabrese Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 18:09
