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Packaging SF service into a single file

I am working through how to automate the build and deploy of my Service Fabric app. Currently I'm working on the package step and while it is creating files within the pkg subfolder it is always creating a folder hierarchy of files, not a true package in a single file. I would swear I've seem a .SFPKG file (or something similarly named) that has everything in one file (a zip maybe?). Is there some way to to create such a file with msbuild?

Here's the command line I'm using currently:

msbuild myservice.sfproj "/p:Configuration=Dev;Platform=AnyCPU" /t:Package /consoleloggerparameters:verbosity=minimal /maxcpucount

I'm concerned about not having a single file because it seems inefficient in sending a new package up to my clusters, and it's harder for me to manage a bunch of files on a build automation server.

like image 393
BrettRobi Avatar asked Aug 25 '16 22:08


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1 Answers

I believe you read about the .sfpkg at https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/articles/service-fabric-get-started-with-a-local-cluster

Note that internally we do not yet support provisioning a .sfpkg file. This is a feature that will be coming in soon (date TBD). Instead, we upload each file in the application package.

Update (SF 6.1 - April 2018)

Since 6.1 it is possible to create a ZIP file (*.sfpkg) and upload it to an external store. Service Fabric executes a GET operation to download the sfpkg application package. For more infos see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-package-apps#create-an-sfpkg

NOTE: This only works with external provisioning, the Azure image store still doesn't support sfpkg files.

like image 80
Oana Platon Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 23:01

Oana Platon