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service fabric slow development cycle

Still very new to service fabric but I'm surprised that something as advanced as this is so slow to debug. I'm using a fairly fast machine but it takes 4-5 minutes to tear down and restart the cluster. I've googled it and can't see that anyone else has reported this as being a show stopper.

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user3688632 Avatar asked Dec 22 '16 16:12


People also ask

Is service fabric going away?

Today, we are announcing the retirement of Azure Service Fabric Mesh. We will continue to support existing deployments until April 28th, 2021, however new deployments will no longer be permitted through the Service Fabric Mesh API.

What is a service fabric?

Service Fabric is Microsoft's container orchestrator for deploying and managing microservices across a cluster of machines, benefiting from the lessons learned running Microsoft services at massive scale.

How many nodes can be maintained on a service fabric cluster?

A single Service Fabric node type/scale set can not contain more than 100 nodes/VMs. To scale a cluster beyond 100 nodes, add additional node types.

Why do we use service fabric?

Using Service Fabric allows your developers to focus on building features that add business value to your application. Service Fabric understands the available infrastructure and the resource needs of applications, enabling automatic scale, rolling upgrades and self-healing from faults.

1 Answers

Some clues to help with your slow development turnaround time:

  • When developing locally, consider using a One-node cluster in order to speed-up deployments and upgrades (less Upgrade/Fault Domains): https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-get-started-with-a-local-cluster#one-node-and-five-node-cluster-mode

  • You need to setup/create your cluster once and than start it and keep it running between debugging sessions, Visual Studio will take care of uninstalling/upgrading the SF Apps when starting the debugger.

  • You can modify the properties of the SF Application project to decide if your SF App will be uninstalled and install or upgraded when starting the debugger, which impacts the deployment time.

  • Consider running from a SSD drive which will speed up compilation and deployment (file intensive).

Expect less than one minute to compile, deploy and attach debugger for a SF App with 2-3 services.

like image 58
Simon Luckenuik Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 19:09

Simon Luckenuik