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Pack Chrome extension on server with only command-line interface

Is it possible to pack chrome extension with key (*.pem) on server only with CLI (Ubuntu-server)?

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KhodeN Avatar asked Sep 09 '13 08:09


People also ask

How do I install an extension without Chrome Web Store?

There's however an easy workaround to this problem. First download the CRX file of any Chrome extension /web-app to your computer. Then click the Settings icon in Chrome (previously a Wrench icon) and go to Tools -> Extensions. Drag and drop the CRX file on this page and Chrome will gladly install the add-on.

Can you transfer Chrome extensions to another computer?

Export Chrome Extensions as CRX FilesIf you want to export Chrome extensions manually, you have to enable 'Developer mode' in the browser and pack the extension in a CRX file. CRX is a file that Chrome automatically downloads and installs when you add an extension.

2 Answers

Update: chrome now uses Version 3 and the scripts released by google only worked for Version 2

There were official packaging scripts for Version 2 listed at https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/crx#scripts - one in Bash and one in Ruby. Google now wants apps to be packaged by them for the webstore.

However, here's a modified script that works for packaging CRX3 packages:

# Purpose: Pack a Chromium extension directory into crx format

if test $# -ne 2; then
  echo "Usage: crxmake.sh <extension dir> <pem path>"
  exit 1

name=$(basename "$dir")
trap 'rm -f "$pub" "$sig" "$zip" "$tosign" "$binary_crx_id"' EXIT

# zip up the crx dir
cwd=$(pwd -P)
(cd "$dir" && zip -qr -9 -X "$cwd/$zip" .)

#extract crx id
openssl rsa -in "$key" -pubout -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary -out "$binary_crx_id"
truncate -s 16 "$binary_crx_id"

#generate file to sign
  # echo "$crmagic_hex $version_hex $header_length $pub_len_hex $sig_len_hex"
  printf "CRX3 SignedData"
  echo "00 12 00 00 00 0A 10" | xxd -r -p
  cat "$binary_crx_id" "$zip"
) > "$tosign"

# signature
openssl dgst -sha256 -binary -sign "$key" < "$tosign" > "$sig"

# public key
openssl rsa -pubout -outform DER < "$key" > "$pub" 2>/dev/null

crmagic_hex="43 72 32 34" # Cr24
version_hex="03 00 00 00" # 3
header_length="45 02 00 00"
header_chunk_1="12 AC 04 0A A6 02"
header_chunk_2="12 80 02"
header_chunk_3="82 F1 04 12 0A 10"
  echo "$crmagic_hex $version_hex $header_length $header_chunk_1" | xxd -r -p
  cat "$pub"
  echo "$header_chunk_2" | xxd -r -p
  cat "$sig"
  echo "$header_chunk_3" | xxd -r -p
  cat "$binary_crx_id" "$zip"
) > "$crx"
echo "Wrote $crx"

This script was revised based on information from the source code:

Create Function Header Description

As well as the serialization documentation for the header.

This script can easily be used in a docker container for automation:

FROM alpine:3.9
RUN apk add --no-cache git openssl zip vim
COPY scripts/crxmake.sh /usr/local/bin/crxmake
like image 128
5 revs, 3 users 96% Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 03:10

5 revs, 3 users 96%

You can use the application switches --pack-extension and --pack-extension-key as described in the documentation.

Basically, on Windows, you'd run the following in a terminal:

chrome.exe --pack-extension=c:\myext --pack-extension-key=c:\myext.pem

It works on Mac as well with:

/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --pack-extension=./myext --pack-extension-key=./myext.pem

It should be similar on Ubuntu.

Leaving out --pack-extension-key will automatically create a key for you.

like image 29
Timothée Boucher Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 03:10

Timothée Boucher