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Override theme brush Windows 10 UWP

I'm trying to override some style-colors in Windows 10 but I cannot get it to work.

My app.xaml looks like this:

            <ResourceDictionary Source="Resources.xaml"/>
            <ResourceDictionary x:Key="Default" Source="Theme.xaml"/>

And my Theme.xaml looks like this


<SolidColorBrush x:Key="ListBoxBackgroundThemeBrush" Color="Transparent" />
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="ListBoxFocusBackgroundThemeBrush" Color="Transparent" />
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="ListBoxItemPressedBackgroundThemeBrush" Color="Transparent" />
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="ListBoxItemSelectedForegroundThemeBrush" Color="Transparent" />
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="ListBoxItemSelectedBackgroundThemeBrush" Color="Transparent" />
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="FocusVisualBlackStrokeThemeBrush" Color="Transparent" />
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="ScrollBarButtonForegroundThemeBrush" Color="Red" />
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="ScrollBarPanningBackgroundThemeBrush" Color="Red" />
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="ButtonPressedBackgroundThemeBrush" Color="White"/>

<SolidColorBrush x:Key="SearchBoxHitHighlightSelectedForegroundThemeBrush" Color="Red"/>
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="SearchBoxHitHighlightForegroundThemeBrush" Color="Pink"/>

However it doesn't work, it doesn't override the style anywhere.

like image 770
robertk Avatar asked May 22 '15 08:05


1 Answers

The styles you are setting are for Windows 8 apps. The styles used by Universal Windows apps are greatly simplified.

The easiest way to find them is to add your ListBox to a page, right click on it in the designer, and select Edit Template... Create a copy of the template and look at the names used.

All of the controls now use the same brushes when possible rather than having control-specific ones.

For example, the ListBox uses the following brushes for its Foreground, Background, and BorderBrush:

  • SystemControlForegroundBaseHighBrush
  • SystemControlBackgroundChromeMediumLowBrush
  • SystemControlForegroundBaseHighBrush
like image 184
Rob Caplan - MSFT Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 08:10

Rob Caplan - MSFT