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Overlapping transfers and device computation in OpenCL




I am a beginner with OpenCL and I have difficulties to understand something. I want to improve the transfers of an image between host and device. I made a scheme to better understand me.

Top: what I have now | Bottom: what I want HtD (Host to Device) and DtH ( Device to Host) are memory transfers. K1 and K2 are kernels.

I thought about using mapping memory, but the first transfer (Host to Device) is done with the clSetKernelArg() command, no ? Or do I have to cut my input image into sub-image and use mapping to get the output image ?


Edit: More information

K1 process mem input image. K2 process output image from K1.

So, I want to transfer MemInput into several pieces for K1. And I want to read and save on the host the MemOuput processed by K2.

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Alex Placet Avatar asked Sep 12 '12 13:09

Alex Placet

2 Answers

As you may have already seen, you do a transfer from host to device by using clEnqueueWriteBuffer and similar.

All the commands having the keyword 'enqueue' in them have a special property: The commands are not executed directly, but when you tigger them using clFinish, clFlush, clEnqueueWaitForEvents, using clEnqueueWriteBuffer in blocking mode and some more.

This means that all action happens at once and you have to synchronise it using the event objects. As everything (may) happen at once, you could do something like this (Each point happens at the same time):

  1. Transfer Data A
  2. Process Data A & Transfer Data B
  3. Process Data B & Transfer Data C & Retrive Data A'
  4. Process Data C & Retrieve Data B'
  5. Retrieve Data C'

Remember: Enqueueing Tasks without Event-Objects may result in a simultaneous execution of all enqueued elements!

To make sure that Process Data B doesn't happen before Transfer B, you have to retrieve an event object from clEnqueueWriteBuffer and supply it as an object to wait for to f.i. clEnqueueNDRangeKernel

cl_event evt;
clEnqueueWriteBuffer(... , bufferB , ... , ... , ... , bufferBdata , NULL , NULL , &evt);
clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(... , kernelB , ... , ... , ... , ... , 1 , &evt, NULL);

Instead of supplying NULL, each command can of course wait on certain objects AND generate a new event object. The parameter next to last is an array, so you can event wait for several events!

EDIT: To summarise the comments below Transferring data - What command acts where?
       CPU                        GPU
                            BufA       BufB
array[] = {...}
clCreateBuffer()  ----->  [     ]              //Create (empty) Buffer in GPU memory *
clCreateBuffer()  ----->  [     ]    [     ]   //Create (empty) Buffer in GPU memory *
clWriteBuffer()   -arr->  [array]    [     ]   //Copy from CPU to GPU
clCopyBuffer()            [array] -> [array]   //Copy from GPU to GPU
clReadBuffer()    <-arr-  [array]    [array]   //Copy from GPU to CPU

* You may initialise the buffer directly by providing data using the host_ptr parameter.

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Nippey Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09


Many OpenCL platforms don't support out-of-order command queues; the way most vendors say to do overlapped DMA and compute is to use multiple (in-order) command queues. You can use events to ensure dependencies are done in the right order. NVIDIA has example code that shows overlapped DMA and compute doing it this way (although it is suboptimal; it can go slightly faster than they say it can).

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Dithermaster Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
