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Outputting Literal curly braces in Liquid templates

I'm trying to output the following from within a liquid template:

{{ example }} 

Obviously, Liquid sees this as a variable named example and tries to do substitution. I'm trying to find out how I can output the actual braces.

So far, I've found one method that works, but it's incredibly ugly:

{{ '{example'|prepend:'{' }}}} 

Yeah, told you it was gross.

Here are other things I've tried:

{{{ example }}}     # outputs '}' {{{{ example }}}}   # outputs '}}' \{\{ example \}\}   # outputs '\{\{ example \}\}' 

Any advice here?

like image 699
Fortes Avatar asked Jul 25 '10 20:07


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In programming, curly braces (the { and } characters) are used in a variety of ways. In C/C++, they are used to signify the start and end of a series of statements. In the following expression, everything between the { and } are executed if the variable mouseDOWNinText is true. See event loop.

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2 Answers

You can also use raw:

{% raw %}  ...lots of liquid code goes here and it doesn't get interpreted...  {% endraw %} 
like image 77
Marcel Jackwerth Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 01:09

Marcel Jackwerth

What about using the numeric HTML entities { and } for { and } respectively - presumably this is to be output as HTML?

EDIT: Forgive me, I'm not too familiar with liquid (so this might be very wrong), but can you assign your {{ example }} special value to a variable and output that? May be something like:

{% assign special = '{{ example }}' %} {{ special }} 
like image 32
MrWhite Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 01:09
