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Output being submitted numerous times



Currently I am using simple_html_dom to scrape a website view here to see the website I am scraping, everything comes back fine except it continues to put the same content for every single post it scrapes.. View here to see demo

$page = (isset($_GET['p'])&&$_GET['p']!=0) ? (int) $_GET['p'] : '';  
$html = file_get_html('http://screenrant.com/movie-news/'.$page);

foreach($html->find('#site-top > div.site-wrapper > div.top-content > article > section > ul > li > div.info > h2 > a') as $element)
    print '<br><br>';
    echo $url = ''.$element->href;
    $html2 = file_get_html($url);

    $image = $html2->find('meta[property=og:image]',0);
    $news['image'] = $image->content;
    #print '<br><br>';

    // Ending The Featured Image

    #site-top > div.site-wrapper > div.top-content > article > section > ul > li:nth-child(2)

    $title = $html2->find('#site-top > div.site-wrapper > div.top-content > article > header.single-header > h1',0);
    $news['title'] = $title->plaintext;

    // Ending the titles
    print '<br>';
    #site-top > div.site-wrapper > div.top-content > article > div
    $articles = $html2->find('#site-top > div.site-wrapper > div.top-content > article > div > p');
    foreach ($articles as $article) {
    #echo "$article->plaintext<p>"; 
    $news['content'] = $news['content'] . $article->plaintext . "<p>";

    print '<pre>';print_r($news);print '</pre>';

    print '<br><br>';

        // mysqli_query($DB,"INSERT INTO `wp_scraped_news` SET
             //                   `hash` = '".$news['title']."',
               //                 `title` = '".$news['title']."',
                 //               `image` = '".$news['image']."',
                   //             `content` = '".$news['content']."'");
         // print '<pre>';print_r($news);print '</pre>';

I have no idea where I am going wrong here but I am assuming it's one of two things and I have messed around with both of these things with no luck.

1. I am doing something wrong with how my foreach are laid out.

2. The website is changing selectors for each new article.

In both cases I am probably wrong.. but I've tinkered with them both for about 2 hours now and at the point of giving up.. any help is very appreciated.

like image 336
Placeholder Avatar asked Dec 24 '15 02:12


1 Answers

The problem is that you're not clearing out the old content from $news['content']. So when you process the second page, you're appending its content to the content of the first page. And the third page appends to this again, and so on.


$news['content'] = '';


foreach ($articles as $article) {
like image 88
Barmar Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
