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Outlook 2010 overriding font-family from Arial to Times New Roman

I'm programmatically sending HTML-formatted email, and setting the font as Arial throughout (font-family: Arial;). When the messages arrive in Outlook 2010, text in table elements is in Times New Roman. Text in div elements is fine in Arial. If I View Source, copy into an HTML file, and view in a browser, all fonts function as expected (it's all Arial).

Some Google results show that Outlook will fall back to its default font (Times New Roman) when none is specified, but that's not what's happening here.

Why is Outlook forcing my email to display in Times New Roman when specified otherwise?

like image 466
Tom Hamming Avatar asked May 04 '12 22:05

Tom Hamming

People also ask

Why does my font keep changing in Outlook?

Please navigate to file>options>mail>stationary and fonts , and there you can set the font to your desired size. If the above suggestion doesn't work, kindly try to open Outlook in safe mode to see if your font keeps changing due to a third party.

1 Answers

Even if you set font-family: arial to table, it still wont work. You need to specifically set the font for each td inside your table to get it right.

like image 152
defau1t Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 21:10
