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Out-of-core processing of sparse CSR arrays

How can one apply some function in parallel on chunks of a sparse CSR array saved on disk using Python? Sequentially this could be done e.g. by saving the CSR array with joblib.dump opening it with joblib.load(.., mmap_mode="r") and processing the chunks of rows one by one. Could this be done more efficiently with dask?

In particular, assuming one doesn't need all the possible out of core operations on sparse arrays, but just the ability to load row chunks in parallel (each chunk is a CSR array) and apply some function to them (in my case it would be e.g. estimator.predict(X) from scikit-learn).

Besides, is there a file format on disk that would be suitable for this task? Joblib works but I'm not sure about the (parallel) performance of CSR arrays loaded as memory maps; spark.mllib appears to use either some custom sparse storage format (that doesn't seem to have a pure Python parser) or LIBSVM format (the parser in scikit-learn is, in my experience, much slower than joblib.dump)...

Note: I have read documentation, various issues about it on https://github.com/dask/dask/ but I'm still not sure how to best approach this problem.

Edit: to give a more practical example, below is the code that works in dask for dense arrays but fails when using sparse arrays with this error,

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse

import joblib
import dask.array as da
from sklearn.utils import gen_batches

joblib.dump(np.random.rand(100000, 1000), 'X_dense.pkl')
joblib.dump(scipy.sparse.random(10000, 1000000, format='csr'), 'X_csr.pkl')

fh = joblib.load('X_dense.pkl', mmap_mode='r')

# computing the results without dask
results = np.vstack((fh[sl, :].sum(axis=1)) for sl in gen_batches(fh.shape[0], batch_size))

# computing the results with dask
x = da.from_array(fh, chunks=(2000))
results = x.sum(axis=1).compute()

Edit2: following the discussion below, the example below overcomes the previous error but gets ones about IndexError: tuple index out of range in dask/array/core.py:L3413,

import dask
# +imports from the example above
dask.set_options(get=dask.get)  # disable multiprocessing

fh = joblib.load('X_csr.pkl', mmap_mode='r')

def func(x):
    if x.ndim == 0:
        # dask does some heuristics with dummy data, if the x is a 0d array
        # the sum command would fail
        return x
    res = np.asarray(x.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True))
    return res

Xd = da.from_array(fh, chunks=(2000))
results_new = Xd.map_blocks(func).compute()
like image 659
rth Avatar asked Jul 17 '17 13:07


People also ask

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1 Answers

So I don't know anything about joblib or dask, let alone your application specific data format. But it is actually possible to read sparse matrices from disk in chunks while retaining the sparse data structure.

While the Wikipedia article for the CSR format does a great job explaining how it works, I'll give a short recap:

Some sparse Matrix, e.g.:

1 0 2
0 0 3
4 5 6

is stored by remembering each nonzero-value and the column it resides in:

sparse.data    = 1 2 3 4 5 6  # acutal value
sparse.indices = 0 2 2 0 1 2  # number of column (0-indexed)

Now we are still missing the rows. The compressed format just stores how many non-zero values there are in each row, instead of storing every single values row.

Note that the non-zero count is also accumulated, so the following array contains the number of non-zero values up until and including this row. To complicate things even further, the array always starts with a 0 and thus contains num_rows+1 entries:

sparse.indptr = 0 2 3 6

so up until and including the second row there are 3 nonzero values, namely 1, 2 and 3.

Since we got this sorted out, we can start 'slicing' the matrix. The goal is to construct the data, indices and indptr arrays for some chunks. Assume the original huge matrix is stored in three binary files, which we will incrementally read. We use a generator to repeatedly yield some chunk.

For this we need to know how many non-zero values are in each chunk, and read the according amount of values and column-indices. The non-zero count can be conveniently read from the indptr array. This is achieved by reading some amount of entries from the huge indptr file that corresponds to the desired chunk size. The last entry of that portion of the indptr file minus the number of non-zero values before gives the number of non-zeros in that chunk. So the chunks data and indices arrays are just sliced from the big data and indices files. The indptr array needs to be prepended artificially with a zero (that's what the format wants, don't ask me :D).

Then we can just construct a sparse matrix with the chunk data, indices and indptr to get a new sparse matrix.

It has to be noted that the actual matrix size cannot be directly reconstructed from the three arrays alone. It is either the maximum column index of the matrix, or if you are unlucky and there is no data in the chunk undetermined. So we also need to pass the column count.

I probably explained things in a rather complicated way, so just read this just as opaque piece of code, that implements such a generator:

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse

def gen_batches(batch_size, sparse_data_path, sparse_indices_path, 
                sparse_indptr_path, dtype=np.float32, column_size=None):
    data_item_size = dtype().itemsize

    with open(sparse_data_path, 'rb') as data_file, \
            open(sparse_indices_path, 'rb') as indices_file, \
            open(sparse_indptr_path, 'rb') as indptr_file:
        nnz_before = np.fromstring(indptr_file.read(4), dtype=np.int32)

        while True:
            indptr_batch = np.frombuffer(nnz_before.tobytes() +
                              indptr_file.read(4*batch_size), dtype=np.int32)

            if len(indptr_batch) == 1:

            batch_indptr = indptr_batch - nnz_before
            nnz_before = indptr_batch[-1]
            batch_nnz = np.asscalar(batch_indptr[-1])

            batch_data = np.frombuffer(data_file.read(
                                       data_item_size * batch_nnz), dtype=dtype)
            batch_indices = np.frombuffer(indices_file.read(
                                          4 * batch_nnz), dtype=np.int32)

            dimensions = (len(indptr_batch)-1, column_size)

            matrix = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((batch_data, 
                           batch_indices, batch_indptr), shape=dimensions)

            yield matrix

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sparse = scipy.sparse.random(5, 4, density=0.1, format='csr', dtype=np.float32)

    sparse.data.tofile('sparse.data')        # dtype as specified above  ^^^^^^^^^^
    sparse.indices.tofile('sparse.indices')  # dtype=int32
    sparse.indptr.tofile('sparse.indptr')    # dtype=int32


    for batch in gen_batches(2, 'sparse.data', 'sparse.indices', 
                             'sparse.indptr', column_size=4):

the numpy.ndarray.tofile() just stores binary arrays, so you need to remember the data format. scipy.sparse represents the indices and indptr as int32, so that's a limitation for the total matrix size.

Also I benchmarked the code and found that the scipy csr matrix constructor is the bottleneck for small matrices. Your mileage might vary tho, this is just a 'proof of principle'.

If there is need for a more sophisticated implementation, or something is too obstruse, just hit me up :)

like image 107
Obay Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 14:10
