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OSGI Beginners tutorials are outdated. Is there a new standard?

I have been trying to start with studying OSGI for quiet a few days now. I've tried many tutorials to work on eclipse especially to start with apache felix or Equinox but the step by step tutorials never take me to the end of creating even one bundle.

I even tried the console commands with no luck. Is OSGI out dated? All the tutorials on the alliance web site are also extremely old and I couldn't follow them to the end. I also tried the BndTools Totorial here but on eclipse it couldn't resolve "@Component" when I reach 4.3 so I stopped there. When following Osgi Book Preview, I also couldn't find "Make Bundle" so I stopped again. I'm really frustrated. Isn't there a way for beginners to get into OSGI?


For other people who are interested in getting started with OSGI, I found the book Osgi in Action as very helpful and a good guide for beginners.

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Excite Avatar asked Apr 19 '14 01:04


People also ask

What is difference between jar and OSGi bundle?

The key difference with OSGi is that a JAR is now all private, adding metadata in the manifest makes it a bundle that can safely share with other bundles. OSGi makes sure violations are detected ahead of time.

What does OSGi stand for?

The OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative) specification is a Java framework for developing and deploying modular software programs and libraries.

Is OSGi used?

It's used for many well-known applications, from embedded mobile devices to application servers and IDEs. The popular Eclipse IDE is built on top of OSGi.

What is OSGi alliance?

The OSGi Alliance (formerly known as the Open Services Gateway initiative) is an open standards organization for computer software founded in March 1999. They originally specified and continue to maintain the OSGi standard.

1 Answers

The Bndtools tutorial was mentioned and dismissed in the original question; however we were able to resolve the issue. So I post this as an answer for others who might be looking for an introductory OSGi tutorial: check out the Bndtools Tutorial!

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Neil Bartlett Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Neil Bartlett