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Ordering by multiple fields in SQLite




I have a simple table, something like: int id, date created_at, date updated_at. I'd like to order the rows so that any rows that have an updated_at will be sorted by that, and any that don't will be sorted by the created_at. The problem is that something like:

SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY updated_at, created_at 

doesn't work. I've been looking at custom order clauses, something like:

ORDER BY CASE WHERE updated_at ISNULL <do something> END, created_at

but can't seem to get anything to work. Help?

EDIT: I should have specified that I want the updated_at fields to sort before the created_at fields. So, if the data looks like:

id  created_at  updated_at
--  ----------  ----------
1   2009-01-08  null
2   2009-09-08  null
3   2009-07-02  null
4   2009-09-05  2009-09-06
5   2009-04-01  null
6   2009-09-07  2009-09-08

I'd want results like:

id  created_at  updated_at
--  ----------  ----------
6   2009-09-07  2009-09-08
4   2009-09-05  2009-09-06
2   2009-09-08  null
3   2009-07-02  null
5   2009-04-01  null
1   2009-01-08  null
like image 844
Jeremy Logan Avatar asked Sep 09 '09 03:09

Jeremy Logan

2 Answers

looks like you're looking for:

ORDER BY COALESCE(updated_at, created_at)

per the docs, coalesce returns

a copy of the first non-NULL argument. If all arguments are NULL then NULL is returned. There must be at least 2 arguments.

Edit: given the OP's edit, he may instead want:

ORDER BY COALESCE(updated_at, '1929-9-9') DESC, created_at DESC

or similar tricks for DESC ordering; or maybe

ORDER BY MAX(COALESCE(updated_at, '1929-9-9'), created_at) DESC

it's impossible to tell exactly what the OP wants from a single and very peculiar example, but a variant on some one of these approaches should solve his actual problem, whatever that problem may actually be in specific, precise, and complete detail.

like image 185
Alex Martelli Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 11:11

Alex Martelli

IFNULL, see here

In this instance you'd use something like:

IFNULL(updated_at, '1-jan-2100'), created_at

All columns without an updated_at field would be given the default sort order and would then sort by created_at. The value of 1-jan-2100 ensures they appear last in the list. Change this to be 1900 if you want them first.

like image 35
Dave Barker Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 11:11

Dave Barker