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Getting Wrong Server Name

enter image description hereI am executing a query from which i want to get all server name installed on a system
So I did it with this query

select srvname  from sysservers    

It gives me server names but it is not the correct server name it gives me srvname


but this is not my server name also i tried to do it from another way by this query

Select @@Servername   

it also gives above wrong server name WIN-1BKHGVK7J3A\SQLSERVER2008R2

But when i did it with this query


it gives correct server name which is AIS-OCTACORE\SQLserver2008r2
but limitation with this is it only gives current server name and i want to get all server name installed on a system
can you please tell why i'm getting wrong servername??
Also how could i get all server names

like image 932
Amit Bisht Avatar asked Jan 08 '14 10:01

Amit Bisht

2 Answers

To check what the current values are set to

SELECT ServerProperty('machinename') as [machinename]
    ,ServerProperty('ServerName') as [ServerName]
    ,@@ServerName as [@@ServerName];

To correct the issue run the following:

EXEC sp_dropserver 'old_server_name';

EXEC sp_addserver 'new_server_name', 'local';

You will need to restart the SQLSERVER service

like image 107
Andrej Hribernik Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09

Andrej Hribernik

This can happen when the server name is changed after SQL Server was installed.

You could try sp_dropserver and sp_addserver to change it back: http://www.brentozar.com/blitz/servername-not-set/

Im not sure i would though you dont know why it was changed in the first place it might break something.

like image 45
DaImTo Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09
