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SQL select elements where sum of field is less than N

Given that I've got a table with the following, very simple content:

# select * from messages;
  id | verbosity 
   1 |        20
   2 |        20
   3 |        20
   4 |        30
   5 |       100
 (5 rows)

I would like to select N messages, which sum of verbosity is lower than Y (for testing purposes let's say it should be 70, then correct results will be messages with id 1,2,3). It's really important to me, that solution should be database independent (it should work at least on Postgres and SQLite).

I was trying with something like:

SELECT * FROM messages GROUP BY id HAVING SUM(verbosity) < 70;

However it doesn't seem to work as expected, because it doesn't actually sum all values from verbosity column.

I would be very grateful for any hints/help.

like image 498
user1105595 Avatar asked Jul 27 '12 13:07


People also ask

Can we use sum function in where clause?

In SQL, we use the SUM() function to add the numeric values in a column. It is an aggregate function in SQL. The aggregate function is used in conjunction with the WHERE clause to extract more information from the data.

How do I filter a sum field in SQL?

To filter records using the aggregate function (the function SUM from earlier), use the HAVING clause. To calculate the sum of values for each group of rows, use the aggregation SUM function.

Can you SELECT sum for SQL?

If you need to add a group of numbers in your table you can use the SUM function in SQL. This is the basic syntax: SELECT SUM(column_name) FROM table_name; The SELECT statement in SQL tells the computer to get data from the table.

What is top1 in SQL?

SELECT TOP 1 Means Selecting the very 1st record in the result set. SELECT 1 Means return 1 as the result set.

2 Answers

SELECT m.id, sum(m1.verbosity) AS total
FROM   messages m
JOIN   messages m1 ON m1.id <= m.id
WHERE  m.verbosity < 70    -- optional, to avoid pointless evaluation
GROUP  BY m.id
HAVING SUM(m1.verbosity) < 70

This assumes a unique, ascending id like you have in your example.

In modern Postgres - or generally with modern standard SQL (but not in SQLite):

Simple CTE

WITH cte AS (
   SELECT *, sum(verbosity) OVER (ORDER BY id) AS total
   FROM   messages
FROM   cte
WHERE  total < 70

Recursive CTE

Should be faster for big tables where you only retrieve a small set.

   (  -- parentheses required
   SELECT id, verbosity, verbosity AS total
   FROM   messages
   ORDER  BY id
   LIMIT  1

   SELECT c1.id, c1.verbosity, c.total + c1.verbosity 
   FROM   cte c
      SELECT *
      FROM   messages
      WHERE  id > c.id
      ORDER  BY id
      LIMIT  1
      ) c1 ON  c1.verbosity < 70 - c.total
   WHERE c.total < 70
FROM   cte

All standard SQL, except for LIMIT.

Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as "database-independent". There are various SQL-standards, but no RDBMS complies completely. LIMIT works for PostgreSQL and SQLite (and some others). Use TOP 1 for SQL Server, rownum for Oracle. Here's a comprehensive list on Wikipedia.

The SQL:2008 standard would be:


... which PostgreSQL supports - but hardly any other RDBMS.

The pure alternative that works with more systems would be to wrap it in a subquery and

SELECT max(total) FROM <subquery>

But that is slow and unwieldy.

db<>fiddle here
Old sqlfiddle

like image 172
Erwin Brandstetter Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 05:10

Erwin Brandstetter

This will work...

select * 
from messages
where id<=
    select MAX(id) from
        select m2.id, SUM(m1.verbosity) sv 
        from messages m1
        inner join messages m2 on m1.id <=m2.id
        group by m2.id
    ) v
    where sv<70

However, you should understand that SQL is designed as a set based language, rather than an iterative one, so it designed to treat data as a set, rather than on a row by row basis.

like image 27
podiluska Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 05:10
