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Ordering boxplot x-axis in seaborn

My dataframe round_data looks like this:

      error                         username                    task_path
0      0.02  n49vq14uhvy93i5uw33tf7s1ei07vngozrzlsr6q6cnh8w...    39.png
1      0.10  n49vq14uhvy93i5uw33tf7s1ei07vngozrzlsr6q6cnh8w...    45.png
2      0.15  n49vq14uhvy93i5uw33tf7s1ei07vngozrzlsr6q6cnh8w...    44.png
3     0.25  xdoaztndsxoxk3wycpxxkhaiew3lrsou3eafx3em58uqth...    43.png
...     ...                                                ...       ...
1170  -0.11  9qrz4829q27cu3pskups0vir0ftepql7ynpn6in9hxx3ux...    33.png
1171   0.15  9qrz4829q27cu3pskups0vir0ftepql7ynpn6in9hxx3ux...    34.png

[1198 rows x 3 columns]

I want to have a boxplot showing the error of each user sorted by their average performance. What I have is:

ax = sns.boxplot(

which results into this plot: boxplot

How can I sort the x-axis (i.e., users) by mean error?

like image 351
amaatouq Avatar asked Nov 09 '16 19:11


People also ask

How do I order Boxplots in Seaborn?

Seaborn's boxplot() function easily allows us to choose the order of boxplots using the argument “order”. The argument order takes a list ordered in the way we want. Here we manually specify the order of boxes using order as order=[“Professional”,”Less than bachelor's”,”Bachelor's”,”Master's”, 'PhD'].

How do I sort the X axis in Seaborn?

We can use “order” argument in Seaborn's barplot() function to sort the bars. To the order argument, we need to provide the x-axis variable in the order we want to plot. Here we find the order of the x-axis variable using sort_values() function in Pandas.

How do I change my legend order in Seaborn?

To change the position of a legend in a seaborn plot, you can use the plt. legend() command. The default location is “best” – which is where Matplotlib automatically finds a location for the legend based on where it avoids covering any data points.

What is Hue order in Seaborn?

In seaborn, the hue parameter determines which column in the data frame should be used for colour encoding. Using the official document for lmplot provided an example for this. import seaborn as sns; sns. set(color_codes=True) tips = sns.load_dataset("tips") g = sns.lmplot(x="total_bill", y="tip", data=tips)

1 Answers

I figured out the answer:

grouped = round_data[round_data.batch==i].groupby('username')
users_sorted_average = (
    pd.DataFrame({col: vals['absolute_error'] for col, vals in grouped})

Passing users_sorted_average for the "order" parameter in the seaborn plot function would give the desired behavior:

ax = sns.boxplot(

enter image description here

like image 195
amaatouq Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 06:10
