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Order of Serializer Validation in Django REST Framework


While working with validation in the Django REST Framework's ModelSerializer, I have noticed that the Meta.model fields are always validated, even when it does not necessarily make sense to do so. Take the following example for a User model's serialization:

  1. I have an endpoint that creates a user. As such, there is a password field and a confirm_password field. If the two fields do not match, the user cannot be created. Likewise, if the requested username already exists, the user cannot be created.
  2. The user POSTs improper values for each of the fields mentioned above
  3. An implementation of validate has been made in the serializer (see below), catching the non-matching password and confirm_password fields

Implementation of validate:

def validate(self, data):     if data['password'] != data.pop('confirm_password'):         raise serializers.ValidationError("Passwords do not match")     return data 


Even when the ValidationError is raised by validate, the ModelSerializer still queries the database to check to see if the username is already in use. This is evident in the error-list that gets returned from the endpoint; both the model and non-field errors are present.

Consequently, I would like to know how to prevent model validation until after non-field validation has finished, saving me a call to my database.

Attempt at solution

I have been trying to go through the DRF's source to figure out where this is happening, but I have been unsuccessful in locating what I need to override in order to get this to work.

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nmagerko Avatar asked Dec 21 '14 16:12


People also ask

How do you validate a field in DRF?

DRF enforces data validation in the deserialization process, which is why you need to call is_valid() before accessing the validated data. If the data is invalid, errors are then appended to the serializer's error property and a ValidationError is thrown. There are two types of custom data validators: Custom field.

How do I know if my serializer is valid?

We can validate the serializer by calling the method " is_valid() ". It will return the boolean(True/False) value. If the serializer is not valid then we can get errors by using the attribute "errors".

What are different types of serializer in Django rest?

The serializers in REST framework work very similarly to Django's Form and ModelForm classes. The two major serializers that are most popularly used are ModelSerializer and HyperLinkedModelSerialzer.

What is the difference between ModelSerializer and HyperlinkedModelSerializer?

The HyperlinkedModelSerializer class is similar to the ModelSerializer class except that it uses hyperlinks to represent relationships, rather than primary keys. By default the serializer will include a url field instead of a primary key field.

2 Answers

Since most likely your username field has unique=True set, Django REST Framework automatically adds a validator that checks to make sure the new username is unique. You can actually confirm this by doing repr(serializer()), which will show you all of the automatically generated fields, which includes the validators.

Validation is run in a specific, undocumented order

  1. Field deserialization called (serializer.to_internal_value and field.run_validators)
  2. serializer.validate_[field] is called for each field
  3. Serializer-level validators are called (serializer.run_validation followed by serializer.run_validators)
  4. serializer.validate is called

So the problem that you are seeing is that the field-level validation is called before your serializer-level validation. While I wouldn't recommend it, you can remove the field-level validator by setting extra_kwargs in your serilalizer's meta.

class Meta:     extra_kwargs = {         "username": {             "validators": [],         },     } 

You will need to re-implement the unique check in your own validation though, along with any additional validators that have been automatically generated.

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Kevin Brown-Silva Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Kevin Brown-Silva

I was also trying to understand how the control flows during serializer validation and after carefully going through the source code of djangorestframework-3.10.3 I came up with below request flow diagram. I have described the flow and what happens in the flow to the best of my understanding without going into too much detail as it can be looked up from source.

Ignore the incomplete method signatures. Only focusing on what methods are called on what classes.


Assuming you have an overridden is_valid method on your serializer class (MySerializer(serializers.Serializer)) when you call my_serializer.is_valid() the following takes place.

  1. MySerializer.is_valid() is executed.
  2. Assuming you are calling the super class (BaseSerializer) is_valid method (like: super(MySerializer, self).is_valid(raise_exception) in your MySerializer.is_valid() method, that will be called.
  3. Now since MySerializer is extending serializers.Serializer, the run_validation() method from serializer.Serializers is called. This is validating only the data dict the first. So we haven't yet started field level validations.
  4. Then the validate_empty_values from fields.Field gets called. This again happens on the entire data and not a single field.
  5. Then the Serializer.to_internal_method is called.
  6. Now we loop over each fields defined on the serializer. And for each field, first we call the field.run_validation() method. If the field has overridden the Field.run_validation() method then that will be called first. In case of a CharField it is overridden and calls the run_validation method of Field base class. Step 6-2 in the figure.
  7. On that field we again call the Field.validate_empty_values()
  8. The to_internal_value of the type of field is called next.
  9. Now there is a call to the Field.run_validators() method. I presume this is where the additional validators that we add on the field by specifying the validators = [] field option get executed one by one
  10. Once all this is done, we are back to the Serializer.to_internal_value() method. Now remember that we are doing the above for each field within that for loop. Now the custom field validators you wrote in your serializer (methods like validate_field_name) are run. If an exception occurred in any of the previous steps, your custom validators wont run.
  11. read_only_defaults()
  12. update validate data with defaults I think
  13. run object level validators. I think the validate() method on your object is run here.
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djpanda Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 13:09
