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Example of update_item in dynamodb boto3

Following the documentation, I'm trying to create an update statement that will update or add if not exists only one attribute in a dynamodb table.

I'm trying this

response = table.update_item(     Key={'ReleaseNumber': '1.0.179'},     UpdateExpression='SET',     ConditionExpression='Attr(\'ReleaseNumber\').eq(\'1.0.179\')',     ExpressionAttributeNames={'attr1': 'val1'},     ExpressionAttributeValues={'val1': 'false'} ) 

The error I'm getting is:

botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the UpdateItem operation: ExpressionAttributeNames contains invalid key: Syntax error; key: "attr1"

If anyone has done anything similar to what I'm trying to achieve please share example.

like image 828
Dmitry R Avatar asked Dec 24 '15 04:12

Dmitry R

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2 Answers

Found working example here, very important to list as Keys all the indexes of the table, this will require additional query before update, but it works.

response = table.update_item(     Key={         'ReleaseNumber': releaseNumber,         'Timestamp': result[0]['Timestamp']     },     UpdateExpression="set Sanity = :r",     ExpressionAttributeValues={         ':r': 'false',     },     ReturnValues="UPDATED_NEW" ) 
like image 136
Dmitry R Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 01:10

Dmitry R

Details on dynamodb updates using boto3 seem incredibly sparse online, so I'm hoping these alternative solutions are useful.

get / put

import boto3  table = boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table('my_table')  # get item response = table.get_item(Key={'pkey': 'asdf12345'}) item = response['Item']  # update item['status'] = 'complete'  # put (idempotent) table.put_item(Item=item) 

actual update

import boto3  table = boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table('my_table')  table.update_item(     Key={'pkey': 'asdf12345'},     AttributeUpdates={         'status': 'complete',     }, ) 
like image 34
ryantuck Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10
