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Orchard CMS - Remove Title and Metadata(published date) in a post



How do I remove the Title and Metadata(published data) in a post? Can this be done in Placement.info? I tried creating a custom content but doesn't look like a best solution. I just done it with CSS but I know this could be done in another way.

like image 398
Jayson Ragasa Avatar asked Mar 19 '12 13:03

Jayson Ragasa

2 Answers

You can edit the Placement.info file in your current theme's root folder to not display the title and publish date:

    <Match DisplayType="Detail">
        <Place Parts_Title="-"/>
        <Place Parts_Common_Metadata="-"/>
    <Match DisplayType="Summary">
        <Place Parts_Title="-"/>            
        <Place Parts_Common_Metadata="-"/>

See this post for further details: Orchard: Anatomy of a theme

Also, in case you are wondering where names like Parts_Title come from, see Customizing Orchard using the Designer Helper Tools (specifically shape tracing).

like image 62
scripni Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 14:11


Alternatively, if you want to keep the title meta in the head whilst removing the title on every page create a Parts.Title.cshtml file in the view folder of your theme and then put

Layout.Title = Model.Title;

which is exactly the same as the normal code except we remove the <h1> tag

Layout.Title = Model.Title;

like image 41
Tony UK Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 12:11

Tony UK