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how do you override the rendering of the Navigation zone in Orchard CMS?

I'm new to Orchard, so I probably have no idea what I'm doing.

I've figured out how to override different shapes but putting a cshtml file in the View folder with the same name as the shape.

Also, I found the Menu and MenuItem shape cshtml files under the Core Orchard files.

However, I don't see a shape named Navigation and I don't really understand how Zones work.

I searched the code and couldn't figure out exactly how the Navigation is rendered, though I did find some of the code.

The reason that I want to override the Navigation rendering is that it renders a DIV and a NAV tag around the UL. I would prefer to just render the NAV and UL.

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Zack Avatar asked May 29 '11 22:05


2 Answers

Zones are also shapes, but they are declared in code (Core/Shapes/CoreShapes.cs), not in .cshtml files like most of shapes. Also, there is no shape called Navigation, as zones are created dynamically at runtime - names of those are provided by the theme used.

Zones have default alternates in the form Zone__[ZoneName]. It means you just need to put Zone-Navigation.cshtml file in /Views folder in your theme folder to override Navigation zone rendering.

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Piotr Szmyd Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 13:10

Piotr Szmyd

If you are using the latest 1.1.3 release you can use the new shape tracing tool from the designer tools module. It provides a list of URL alternates to name your template in order to override the default rendering.

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David Glenn Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10

David Glenn