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Oracle SQL Developer multiple table views

People also ask

How do I open multiple windows in Oracle SQL Developer?

You can right click on a connection and chose 'Open SQL Worksheet' it will create another window for the existing session. Use Alt + F10 and select the connection from the list.

How do I open a duplicate tab in SQL Developer?

' Right click on the table editor tab and ask for the new document tab group. Voila.

Can views show data from multiple tables?

A view that combines data from multiple tables enables you to show relevant information in multiple tables together. You can create a view that combines data from two or more tables by naming more than one table in the FROM clause.

SQL Developer can start a new tab every time you select a database object to view; but, you will have to close the tab manually.

Set this in: Tools->Preferences->Database->ObjectViewer->Automatically Freeze Object Viewer Windows

You can pin a tab by clicking the button below :

Tab pin button

No need to configure anything, plus sometimes you don't want to have a tab automatically pinned.

Jeff Smith posted a nice write up on how to do this in SQL Developer.

There are multiple ways to do it.

  • Freeze content (ctrl-shift-P)
  • New Document Tab Group (will allow viewing tables simultaneously)
  • Change the preferences (If this is desired default behavior)

The post can be found here.