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Oracle Procedure error (PLS-00428)

This is the error message: PLS-00428: an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement. Meanwhile, this is the procedure for testing displaying the system date:


In the first place I don't need to use that INTO Oracle is insisting for me to do. Is there other way around beside using a cursor (I've seen it here https://stackoverflow.com/a/6029963/1983024)? I think it should not be like that, this does run normally just like in MS SQL without using INTO or cursor.

like image 299
Jon P Avatar asked Jan 24 '13 06:01

Jon P

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1 Answers

In the first place I don't need to use that INTO Oracle is insisting for me to do.

The fact is, Oracle is correct: you do need to use an INTO to take the return value.

After all, if you want to display the result of the query you're going to need a variable to put it in first.

like image 179
Jeffrey Kemp Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 01:09

Jeffrey Kemp