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Optimal way to create long insert SQL queries with PDO






Considering I'm building a form and posting the data to PHP, a typical insert query for me goes like this:

$sql = "INSERT INTO news
            (title, body) 
            VALUES (?, ?)";
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$stmt->execute(array($_POST["title"], $_POST["body"]));

This looks fine for a small query, and it is my understanding that this keeps me safe from the likes of SQL injection and whatnot.

But what if I need to work with a pretty big form? Something like...

$sql = "INSERT INTO ficha_item
    (titulo, tipo_produto, quantidade_peso, unidade_de_venda, 
    unidades_por_caixa, caixas_piso, pisos_palete, tipo_de_palete, 
    unidades_palete, caixas_palete, uni_diametro, uni_largura, 
    uni_profundidade, uni_altura, uni_peso_bruto_unidade, caixa_largura, 
    caixa_profundidade, caixa_altura, altura_palete, volume_unidade, 
    peso_caixa, peso_palete) 
    VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";

I think it becomes tedious counting all these question marks. Is there a cleaner way to do this with PDO?

like image 688
Jorg Ancrath Avatar asked Dec 30 '12 22:12

Jorg Ancrath

3 Answers

I would do something like this:

$fields = array(
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ficha_item ( %s ) VALUES ( %s )';
// make a list of field names: titulo, tipo_produto /*, etc. */
$fieldsClause = implode( ', ', $fields );
// make a list of named parameters: :titulo, :tipo_produto /*, etc. */
$valuesClause = implode( ', ', array_map( function( $value ) { return ':' . $value; }, $fields ) );
// or, with create_function
$valuesClause = implode( ', ', array_map( create_function( '$value', 'return ":" . $value;' ), $fields ) );
$sql = sprintf( $sql, $fieldsClause, $valuesClause );

// $sql is now something similar to (formatted for display):
// INSERT INTO ficha_item
//     ( titulo, tipo_produto /*, etc. */ )
//     ( :titulo, :tipo_produto /*, etc. */ )

$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);

// if the keys in $_POST match with $fields, you can now simply pass $_POST here
$stmt->execute( $_POST );
// or, as per Bill Karwin's sound suggestion, with the intersection of $_POST
$stmt->execute( array_intersect_key( $_POST, array_flip( $fields ) ) )

In other words, use named parameters, and have them be dynamically generated based on the $fields array. Although named parameters are not strictly necessary; they do help make things easier, because the order of elements passed to, for instance, PDOStatement::execute()doesn't matter now anymore.

This assumes though, that the number of elements and their keys in $_POST, exactly match the number of fields and their names in $sql.

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Decent Dabbler Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 18:10

Decent Dabbler

You may create your SQL dynamically:

$allowed_fields = array(

$columns = "";
$values = "";
$values_arr = array();
foreach ( $_POST as $key=>$value )
    if ( !in_array($key, $allowed_fields) ) continue;
    $columns .= "$key, ";
    $values .= "?, ";
    $values_arr[] = $value;
// now remove trailing ", " from $columns and $values
$columns = rtrim($columns, ", ");
$values = rtrim($values, ", ");
// finish them
$sql = "INSERT INTO ficha_item($columns) VALUES($values)";
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
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Robin Manoli Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 17:10

Robin Manoli

Using bindParam method, it's the clea(n|r)est way to do what you expect. This is more understandable than with question marks. So the code will be more maintainable.

Example from the official php doc :

Example #1 Execute a prepared statement with named placeholders

/* Execute a prepared statement by         binding PHP variables */
$calories = 150;
$colour = 'red';
$sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT name, colour, calories
FROM fruit
WHERE calories < :calories AND colour = :colour');
$sth->bindParam(':calories', $calories, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$sth->bindParam(':colour', $colour, PDO::PARAM_STR, 12);

hope this helps.

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BADAOUI Mohamed Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 18:10