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Oracle: how to check space used by a tablespace when no dba privs

I need to check space used by a tablespace but I have no dba privs. Is there a way to do this?

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user840930 Avatar asked Feb 12 '15 11:02


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When creating a new users in Oracle database (new schema), you need to verify the existing tablespace availability. This query will show you what's there and how much space are free to use. SELECT df. tablespace_name "Tablespace", totalusedspace "Used MB", (df.

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Enter the schema name and object name (optional) and click Go. Use the radio button to select the table you want to look at and click on Edit (Don't click on the table name link) Click on the Segments tab (and wait...) You will see the size of the table data and the indexes used.

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totalusedspace)/ d. totalspace)) "Pct. Free" from (select tablespace_name, round(sum(bytes) / 1048576) TotalSpace from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) d, (select round(sum(bytes)/(1024*1024)) totalusedspace, tablespace_name from dba_segments group by tablespace_name) s where d. tablespace_name = s.

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Here is a query to find users that have unlimited quota on a tablespace. Here is a query to find users that have unlimited quota on a tablespace. select username,tablespace_name,max_bytes from dba_ts_quotas; If the max_bytes values is -1, that user has unlimited quota on the corresponding tablespace.

1 Answers

Unfortunately without explicit permissions to the dba_free_space or dba_segments views you are stuck with your users default tablespace:

  TO_CHAR(SUM(NVL(fs.bytes,0))/1024/1024, '99,999,990.99') AS MB_FREE
  user_free_space fs,
  user_tablespaces ts,
  user_users us
  fs.tablespace_name(+)   = ts.tablespace_name
AND ts.tablespace_name(+) = us.default_tablespace

If you need to check the size of a tablespace for which you don't have a user with that as their default tablespace you're stuck with going back to your DBA.
Test with the system tablespace as default:
enter image description here
Test with an app tablespace as the default tablespace:
enter image description here
This schema does not have query on the dba views:

select * from dba_free_space;
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
00942. 00000 -  "table or view does not exist"
Error at Line: 13 Column: 15
like image 192
mmmmmpie Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09
